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研究生(外文):Chung-Han Tung
論文名稱(外文):Intermediate pattern stimulus discrimination Neural Network modeling
指導教授(外文):Sigmund Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:neural networkdiscriminationcategorizationintermediate stimulusHebbian ruleperceptronLMSback-propagation
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本論文探討四種類神經網路在人類辨識中間型型態刺識歷程中的模擬與比較。利用類神經網路學習六組原始英文字母或數字型態刺激後,使用中間型刺激測試學習後類神經網路的歸類表現。實驗一以人類受試者接受中間型刺激辨識,得到受試者間累積辨識結果。實驗二用 generalized Hebbian rule 學習原始刺激後利用中間型型態刺激測試,所得結果與古典制約中 generalization gradients 效果類似。實驗三與實驗四分別利用 perceptron,LMS 及 back-propagation 學習原始刺激後用中間型型態刺激測試,並將結果與實驗一受試者所得結果比較。結果發現雖然受試者,perceptron,LMS 與 back propagation 四者均可學會原始刺激的辨識,但利用中間型型態刺激測試的結果顯示四者的辨識歷程及中間型型態辨識表現並不相同。本研究顯示利用特殊的作業方法可區辨出原本辨識結果相同的不同類神經網路辨識歷程,並以之與人類受試者相比較,利用此方法可進一步研究並模擬類神經網路對人類知覺刺激的辨識以及由此推論人類認知歷程。

The simulation and comparison of intermediate pattern categorization of human in four different neural networks was studied. After learning six pairs of original alphabet or numerical pattern stimuli, the performance of neural network in categorizing intermediate pattern stimuli was tested. In Exp 1, human subjects were tested using 6 pairs of alphabet or numerical intermediate patterns. In Exp 2 we used a generalized Hebbian learning neural network to learn original pattern stimuli and tested it by intermediate pattern stimuli. Results indicate that the performance of Hebbian learning neural network was similar to the generalization gradients in classical conditioning. In Exp 3 and Exp 4 we used perceptron, LMS and back-propagation to learn to discriminate original 6 pairs of pattern stimuli and tested it with categorization of intermediate stimuli of the learned pairs. The results of Exp 3 and Exp 4 were compared with Exp 1. We found that all human subjects, perceptron, LMS and back-propagation could learn to discriminate original patterns, but the performances of discriminating intermediate pattern stimuli were differentiable between these four by the intermediate pattern categorization task. Overall, the results indicate that using of specialized task might differentiate neural network performances that were originally undifferentiable, and the results were comparable with the performance of human subjects. The present approach might be used to study neural network simulation in human perception and categorization and drew inferences upon human cognitive processes.

摘要 1
Abstract 2
緒論 3-27
實驗一 28-33
實驗二 34-37
實驗三 38-44
實驗四 45-48
綜合比較 49-52
討論 53-57
參考文獻 58-62
附圖 63-108
附圖說明 109-111

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