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研究生(外文):Chih-Jung Liao
論文名稱(外文):The study on rent-seeking games
指導教授(外文):Mei-Hsiu Chi
外文關鍵詞:rent-seekingreturn to scalereaction curveNash equilibriumtotal expenditures
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在這一篇論文,我們將要討論與分析Tullock的基本模型並觀其平衡解。因為使用賽局理論所以我們將根據rent-seeking game技巧(規模報酬)觀看其他參賽者的反應函數來做策。再來我們換另一種討論rent-seeking game的方式,我們分析長期跟短期最佳總投資的平衡解。最後,我們證明在一些條件之下,投資額非一致時一樣會有存在唯一的平衡解。
In this paper, we will use Tullock''s basic model to analyze its
equilibrium and stress the importance of the players'' reaction
curve in order to understand the impact of the technology of
rent-seeking on the structure of the outcome of the game.
Moreover, we consider the property of total expenditures with
equilibrium under more realistic conditions. Finally, we will
prove the existence and uniqueness of asymmetric pure Nash
equilibrium under some assumptions.
1 Introduction 4
2 Basic model of rent-seeking game 6
3 A general analysis of rent-seeking 8
3.1 The reaction curve of a particular agent given his
strategic environment..................................8
3.2 Deriving necessary conditions for an
3.3 Rent seeking with agents..............................15
4 Total expenditures long-run behavior in the rent-
seeking 18
4.1 Short Run.............................................19
4.2 Long Run..............................................20
5 On the existence and uniqueness of pure Nash equilibrium in
rent-seeking games 24
5.1 The model...............................................24
5.2 Existence and uniqueness analysis.......................25
6 Conclusions 33
List of Figures
1 As X(Prize)=$10, Optimal profits for r<1..................40
2 As X(Prize)=$10, The Rate of Return for r<1...............41
3 As X(Prize)=$10, Optimal profits for r≧1.................44
4 As X(Prize)=$10, The Rate of Return for r≧1..............45
List of Tables
1 Optimal bets, associated expected profits and the rate
of return for selected valued of r from 0.1 to 0.4.........38
2 Optimal bets, associated expected profits and the rate
of return for selected valued of r from 0.5 to 0.9.........39
3 Optimal bets, associated expected profits and the rate
of return for selected valued of r from 1.0 to 1.3.........42
4 Optimal bets, associated expected profits and the rate
of return for selected valued of r from 1.4 to 1.9.........43
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[3] Charles K. Rowley, Robert D. Tollison, and Gordon Tullock " The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking" Center for Study of Public Choice.
[4] William J. Corcoran (1984). "Long-Run Equilibrium and Total
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[6] William J. Corcoran and Gordon V. Karels(1985) "Rent-Seeking
Behavior in the Long-Run", Public Choice Vol.46, pp.227-246.
[7] J. David Perez-Castrillo (1992) "A general analysis of rent-seeking games", Public Choice Vol.73, pp.335-350.
[8] Ferenc Szidarovszky and Koji Okuguchi (1995) "On the Existence and Uniqueness of Pure Nash Equilibrium in Rent-Seeking Games", Games And Economic Behavior Vol.18, pp.135-140.
[9] Andreu Mas-Colell Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R. Green (1995) "Microeconomic Theory" New York: Oxford University Press.
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