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研究生(外文):Chun-Yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Self-Organization Neuro-Fuzzy System for control of Unknown Plants
指導教授(外文):Chunshien Li
中文關鍵詞:Self OrganizationNeuro-Fuzzy SystemFLClearningStructure learningParameter learningPseudo-error
外文關鍵詞:Self OrganizationNeuro-Fuzzy SystemFLClearningStructure learningParameter learningPseudo-error
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SO-NFS (Self-Organization Neuro-Fuzzy System)為一具有自我建構與學習能力的智慧型系統,結合模糊理論與類神經網路的技術SO-NFS擁有與人類相似的推論與學習的能力。起初SO-NFS中並無任何的控制策略或控制法則,但依據所收集受控系統的部分資料SO-NFS經由學習的過程可以自動的建構出控制該系統的控制法則與合適的參數集合。假使受控系統為一未知系統,SO-NFS依然可以經由自我建構與學習來達到控制該未知系統的目的。SO-NFS的建構過程中可以分為兩個階段(1)結構學習及(2)參數學習;結構學習的目的在建立控制的法則庫,該控制的規則是以IF-THEN的型態來表示,在結構學習的過程中,叢集(clustering)的方法被運用來決定控制法則(即IF-THEN法則)的數目,以避免控制法則的數目太多而增加設計的困難與運算資源的浪費;參數學習則利用隨機最佳化演算法(Random Optimization algorithm),針對不同的應用問題設計適當的代價函數(cost function)來引導SO-NFS學習出適合的參數集合。SO-NFS所具備的法則庫自動建構與系統參數自我調整的能力,使的SO-NFS不只可以應用在線性系統的控制也可以應用在非線性系統的控制上。

A cluster-based self-organization neuro-fuzzy system (SO-NFS) is proposed for control of unknown plants. The neuro-fuzzy system can learn its rule-based structure and parameters from input/output training data. There is no fuzzy IF-THEN rule in the system initially. The fuzzy control policy is constructed automatically during learning process when the system is simulated by input/output training data. There are two phases in the self-organization learning process, which are so-called structure learning and parameter learning. Using a cluster-based algorithm, the neuro-fuzzy system in its genesis can be generated to have its initial control policy (IF-THEN rules) for application by the stimulation of input/output training data. With the well-known random optimization (RO) method, the generated neuro-fuzzy system can learn its parameters for specific applications. The proposed approach for self-organization of system structure and self-adjustment of system parameter can be applied on problems of both linear and nonlinear control for unknown plants, and can levitate the problem of curse of dimensionality in the traditional fuzzy systems. The pseudo-error learning control is proposed for closed-loop control applications, and inverse learning control is performed as well.

1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………1
1.1 Feedback Control Systems……………………………………1
1.2 Problem Statement……………………………………………2
2.1 Classical Sets…………………………………………………5
2.2 Fuzzy Sets………………………………………………………6
2.2.1 Membership Function…………………………………………6
2.2.2 Fuzzy Set………………………………………………………8
2.2.3 Support, Crossover Point and Fuzzy Singleton………8
2.2.4 Height, Normal, Subnormal, Convex and Fuzzy
2.2.5 Base Variable and Linguistic Variable…………………9
2.3 Theoretic Operations of Fuzzy Sets………………………10
2.3.1 Union, Intersection, Complement and Cartesian
2.3.2 Fuzzy Relation and Sup-Star Composition………………13
2.3.3 Triangular Notms (t-norm) and Triangular Co-
Norms (t-conorm)………………………………14
3 FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER…………………………………………16
3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………16
3.2 Fuzzification Interface……………………………………18
3.3 Knowledge Base………………………………………………20
3.3.1 Rule Base………………………………………………………20
3.3.2 Data Base………………………………………………………22 Selection of Membership Function for Fuzzy Set……22 Fuzzy Partition of Input/Output Space………………22
3.4 Fuzzy Inference Engine……………………………………25
3.4.1 Fuzzy Relation…………………………………25
3.4.2 Fuzzy Implication………………………………27
3.4.3 Approximate Reasoning…………………………29 Tautologies and Compositional Rule of Inference…29 Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP) and
Generalized Modus Tollens (GMT)……………30
3.4.4 Multiconditional Approximate Reasoning………31
3.4.5 Fuzzy Inference System…………………………35 Mamdani’s Fuzzy Model………………..36 Takagi and Sugeno’s Fuzzy Mode………37
3.5 Defuzzification Interface……………………………………39
3.5.1 Center of Area (COA) Defuzzificatio……………40
3.5.2 Center of Sum (COS) Defuzzification……………40
4.1 Introduction………………………………………………42
4.2 Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller…………………………44
4.3 Evaluation…………………………………………………52
4.3.1 Simulation Study…………………………………52
4.3.2 Design of Reference Curve………………………53
4.3.3 The Control Scheme………………………………55
4.3.4 Experimental Results……………………………56
4.4 Discussion…………………………………………………58
4.5 Conclusion…………………………………………………63
5.1 Introduction………………………………………………66
5.2 Model of a Neuron…………………………………………67
5.3 Feedforward Neural Networks……………………………69
5.3.1 Single-Layer Perceptron Network………………69
5.3.2 Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Network………72
5.4 Back-Propagation Learning Process……………………74
5.4.1 Back-Propagation Networks (BPN)………………74
5.4.2 Derivation of the Back-Propagation Learning
6.1 Introduction………………………………………………82
6.2 Cluster-Based Self-Organization Process………………84
6.2.1 Cluster-Based Algorithm for Input Space artitioning…84
6.2.2 Rule Base Constructing…………………………87
6.3 Neural-Fuzzy Architecture of SO-NFS……………………89
6.4 Learning Control Schemes…………………………………94
6.4.1 Inverse Learning (General Learning) Scheme…95
6.4.2 Pseudo-error Learning Scheme…………………97
6.4.3 Random Optimization (RO) for Pseudo-Error Learning…99
7.1 Water Bath Temperature Control…………………………105
7.2 Inverted Pendulum Control………………………………114
7.3 Crane System of Auto-warehousing System………………125
7.4 Discussion…...……………………………………………133
8 Conclusion………………………………………………………135

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