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研究生(外文):Chung-Yuen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Research and Fabrication of Miniature Microwave Voltage Control Oscillator Design
指導教授(外文):Yit-Chyun Chiang
外文關鍵詞:voltage control oscillatoractive inductorphase noisewideband VCOmonolithic microwave integrate circuit
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隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,應用無線通訊系統(wireless Communication System)因其具有及時、迅速,以及不受時間、地點限制的優點,將成為新一代資訊傳輸的媒介,亦使得無線通訊將成為未來通訊產業中,不可或缺的一環。在追求更高的通訊容量、更穩定的通訊品質、及更經濟的系統等種種情況下,其應用的技術也更加的複雜;因此在未來的無線通訊系統中,射頻前端電路(RF front-end)的研發與設計,將是一項非常關鍵的課題;在此前提之下,我們如何有效地縮短研製時程、降低功率耗損、節省生產成本、縮小電路面積、改善電路特性等,都是我們未來致力的方向。
在本論文中,我們分別以單晶微波積體電路(MMIC)以及印刷電路板(PCB)來設計微波壓控振盪器。我所研究致力之方向,是將振盪器電路完全實現在MMIC上,且完全不需外加元件及綁線 (bond-wire),而同時兼顧低功率、縮小面積、提昇電路特性、簡化電路架構等優點,以期可滿足商業用途之需求。而另一項研究重心,是針對各製程,包括CMOS、HBT、PCB等,找出各製程上最適合之振盪器電路設計架構,以儘可能達成各製程上所能實現之電路最佳特性。在 HBT上,我們以主動電感代替spiral inductor,以期達到低相位雜訊之特性;在CMOS上,我們採此製程上最容易穩定振盪之relaxation VCO架構,以期應用在2.4GHz無線區域網路中;而在PCB上,我們則以高調變頻寬作為設計之重點,以期應用在GSM(900MHz)到DECT(1800MHz)及PHS(1900 MHz) 之頻段,或是950 MHz~2050 MHz衛星電視系統中TV Tuner之應用。
With the prosperous development of information technology,
wireless communication system using for information transmission take advantages of real-time, high-speed, and no limitation of time and space. Therefore ,wireless communication system t will play an important
role for future communication industry. For the demand of higher communication capability, more stable communication quality, and more economical system, the development of new technique will be more complicated. By the way, the research and design of RF front-end circuit have been important topic.
In this thesis, we will propose various design technique to design microwave VCOs using MMIC and PCB. The proposed concept realizes the oscillator circuit fully into MMIC without any external component and bond-wire. In the meantime, we still keep advantages of low power consumption, minimizing the circuit size, improving circuit performance, and simplifying the circuit structure in order to expect the satisfaction for commercial use. Another proposed research topic is to explore the appropriate circuit topology of oscillator which is used by some kinds of processes, including HBT, CMOS, and PCB., to achieve the optimum performance in individual process as possible. In HBT, we replace spiral inductor by active inductor in order to accomplish the property of low-phase-noise; In CMOS, we adopt the structure of relaxation VCO for applied in future 2.4GHz wireless LAN ; In PCB, the goal of design is high tuning bandwidth, could be applied in the spectrum of GSM (900MHz), DECT (1800MHz), and PHS (1900MHz), or the application of TV Tuner (950MHz~2050MHz) of satellite television system .
2.1 振盪器之原理
2.2 振盪器之起振過程
2.3 振盪器之穩定振盪
2.4 振盪器之相位雜訊說明
2.5 振盪器之相位雜訊對通訊系統之影響
第三章 壓控振盪器之架構說明
3.1 雙埠網路之回授觀點
3.2 單埠網路之負阻觀點
4.1 HBT 5.7GHz 採主動式電感設計之壓控振盪器
4.1.1 主動式電感原理
4.1.2 電流鏡原理
4.1.3 主動式電感電路模擬及設計
4.1.4 壓控振盪器電路模擬及設計
4.1.5 採主動式電感之壓控振盪器電路模擬及設計
4.2 CMOS 2.4GHz之壓控振盪器
4.2.1 MOS電容控制之壓控振盪器電路模擬及設計
第五章 寬頻壓控振盪器
5.1 PCB 900~1800GHz之寬頻壓控振盪器電路模擬及設計
第六章 結論
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