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研究生(外文):Li-wei Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Implant Damage on Dopant Diffusion
指導教授(外文):R.D. Chang
外文關鍵詞:BoronBF2Transient Enhanced Diffusiondislocation loop
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隨元件的閘極長度(Lg)縮小,對於淺接面(Shallow junction)的需求亦日益重要。離子佈植技術所產生矽晶格的破壞,在而後的回火所引起的暫態加速擴散(Transient Enhanced Diffusion,TED)對元件特性影響很大。
硼離子(原子量11)佈植所產生的晶格破壞(damage)會引起TED的發生。對於高濃度的硼佈植,在投影區域(projected range,Rp)中的濃度因受到叢聚效應(clustering effect)的影響而固定不變。而其內部的擴散之行為發生是很難去觀察的。
對於高濃度的硼佈植將在Rp附近產生高密度之差排(dislocation loop)缺陷。與中濃度佈植比較,TED將有效的被抑制。而佈植能量愈低,TED愈不明顯,乃由於愈高密度之差排產生。但不同的離子植入,11B和BF2,所產生之差排缺陷類型及能量與密度關係也不同,其在Rp的擴散完全不同。在較高溫度的回火,TED發生後將由熱擴散主導。這些將藉由10B的觀察而有所發現。
During the shrinkage of the device dimensions, the demand of shallow junctions becomes more important. Ion implantation technology induce silicon lattice damage causing transient enhanced diffusion (TED) by releasing excess point defect in subsequence annealing. It has a strong impact for device characteristic.
A method was developed to investigate TED of implanted boron by observing the redistribution of buried boron isotopes in the implanted region. At the projected range (Rp), TED was hardly observed due to transient boron solubility. Therefore, a 10B buried layer was created to monitor TED induced by various 11B implants. The implanted samples were analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) for doping profiles and transmission electron microscope (TEM) pictures of residue defects.
TEM pictures show dislocation loops induced from high dose ion implantation. It reduces more TED significantly than medium dose implantation. For low energy B implants, TED was suppressed at Rp due to high-density loops. However, BF2 implants show more TED at the projected range at low energies because the loop density is decreased by surface effect. For high temperature annealing, the thermal diffusion dominates the diffusion. More dopant redistribution was observed. Larger residue dislocation loops were also observed.
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
Chapter 2 Experimental
Chapter 3 Results and Discussions
3-1. Concentration Effect…………………………………………12
3-2. Energy Effect for11B+implants……………………………17
3-3. Energy Effect for BF2+ implants.………………………22
3-4. Comparison of BF2 and B implants…………………………27
3-5. Temperature Effect….………………………………………….30
Chapter 4 Conclusion.…………………………………………………35
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