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研究生(外文):Tsung-Jung Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):ATM Networks Flow Control by Fuzzy Logic
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hsun ChouHuai-Jen Liu
外文關鍵詞:CACABRflow controlfuzzy logicATM
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隨著電腦網路科技在這幾年快速的進步,流量控制在高速網路上扮演著越來越重要的角色,然而在設計高速網路上流量控制的同時,許多人所提出來的方法大都是架構在流量的辨證上,因此難免會有一些先天上的限制,又加上流量具有突發(burst)的特性,導致在設計上存在著許多的不確定性。近幾年來有越來越多的人應用Soft Computing來解決控制方面的問題,但是把它運用在網路上的流量控制卻是相當少見,因此在本篇論文中,我們嘗試著應用模糊理論來處理非同步傳輸中流量控制的問題。首先,我們提出一個以模糊理論為理論基礎的呼叫允諾控制(Fuzzy logic based CAC),接著我們又設計一個具有適應能力的流量控制 (FATFC),它可以自動的調整頻寬給來源端使用,並且也能符合服務品質的要求。由實驗的結果可以看出來,我們所提出來的呼叫允諾控制(Fuzzy logic based CAC)和具有適應能力的流量控制 (FATFC) 能夠保證服務品質的要求,並且也能夠有效使用系統的資源。
As the computer and networking technologies advance at a fast pace in recent years, the traffic control plays a more and more important role in high-speed networks. Most traffic controller design on high speed networks are based on the source modeling, which can suffer from some limitations. In addition to the burst characteristic of the traffic, there are many uncertainties in the design process. In recent years, there are more and more applications of Soft Computing in the control problems, but less for the communication network control. Therefore, in this thesis we apply fuzzy logic to the ATM traffic control. Firstly, we propose a fuzzy logic based call admission control (CAC). Secondly, we present a fuzzy adaptive traffic flow controller (FATFC), which adaptively tunes the bandwidth of the sources to achieve the global QoS. Simulation results exhibit that the proposed CAC and FATFC guarantee the usual QoS requirement and achieve high system utilization.
Abstract (In Chinese)
Abstract (In English)
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Methodology and Contributions
1.3 Organization
2.1 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
2.1.1 ATM Service Architecture
2.1.2 Call Admission Control (CAC)
2.2 ABR Flow Control
2.3 Traffic Models
2.4 Literature Survey
3.1 Main idea
3.1.1 Bandwidth requirement
3.1.2 Maximum buffer utilization
3.2 Quality of Service
3.3 Fuzzy logic
3.4 The proposed fuzzy logic based CAC
3.4.1 Definition of membership functions
3.4.2 Construction of fuzzy rules
3.5 Experimental results
3.5.1 Simulation Environment
3.5.2 Simulation results and Discussion
4.1 Main idea
4.2 The Fuzzy Adaptive Traffic Flow Controller (FATFC)
4.2.1 Definition of membership functions
4.2.2 Construction of fuzzy rules
4.2.3 Max-Min allocation algorithm
4.3 Experimental results
4.3.1 The Simulation Environment
4.3.2 Simulation 1
4.3.3 Simulation 2
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Future works
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