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研究生(外文):Ling-Ying Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The study of LIGA-like technology in manufacturing refractive microlens arrays with SU-8 photoresist
外文關鍵詞:LIGA-like processesSU-8 photoresistrefractive microlens arrays
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IBM公司所發展的SU-8負光阻,通常是用來以紫外光微影方式製作高深寬比微機械元件。本論文將以SU-8 光阻作為微透鏡材料,利用準分子雷射光微加工法的類LIGA製程,探討以SU-8光阻製作微光學應用之折射式微透鏡陣列的可行性。同時,亦將直接以SU-8光阻製成的微透鏡陣列作為模仁,進行熱壓印成型複製可行性的評估。
實驗結果顯示SU-8光阻折射率為1.58(波長= 632.8 nm),且在波長500-1400 nm範圍的穿透率可達85%以上,初步證實適合作為微光學元件之材料。準分子雷射光對SU-8光阻不僅加工速度快,且製成的微透鏡陣列,其填滿係數可達100%。在蝕刻速率較低的情況下,已製作出直徑75 um,高度約為3 um之10x10 SU-8光阻折射式微透鏡陣列,該陣列透鏡表面粗糙度rms值約為3 nm,P-V值約為21 nm,且其光學使用率最高可達88.4%。另外,直接以此SU-8光阻微透鏡陣列作為模仁,以Polycarbonate (PC)作為材料,進行微透鏡陣列熱壓印複製,第5次成品的複製效率高達96.98%,且表面粗糙度rms值為6 nm,P-V值為33 nm,與SU-8光阻模仁的表面粗糙度值相近。

The LIGA technology in the field of micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), which integrates the processes of X-ray lithography, electroplating, and micromolding, uses the synchrotron radiation as lithography source. However, few can utilize this process because of its high fabrication cost and the lack of access to a synchrotron source. Consequently, recently there has been growing interests in low-cost, commonly available LIGA-like processes in which X-ray lithography is replaced by a cheaper alternative technique such as UV photolithography, deep reactive ion etching (RIE), or excimer laser micromachining. The microstructures fabricated by LIGA-like process have the m-scale precision, which is still suitable for the application of MEMS.
The EPON® SU-8 is a negative, epoxy-type, near-UV photoresist and usually used to fabricate high aspect ratio microstructures. A novel method will be presented in the thesis, which the refractive microlens arrays with SU-8 photoresist is fabricates by excimer laser micromachining, then replicated by this SU-8 photoresist master through hot embossing technique.
The experimental results show that the refractive index of SU-8 photoresist is about 1.58 at the 632.8 nm wavelength and its transmittance is above 85% between 500-1400 nm wavelengths. The refractive microlens arrays can be fabricated rapidly by using excimer laser micromachining. The fill factor of microlens arrays is approximately 100%. The 10x10 microlens array with 75 um in diameter and 3 um in height was fabricated at low ablation rate. It exhibits the smooth surfaces with roughness of 3 nm rms and a P-V value of 21 nm. The maximum optical usage of microlens array is 88.4%. The fifth replica has the characteristic of rms 3 nm roughness and 33 nm P-V value, its transfer efficiency is 96.98%.
In this paper, we have presented a concrete and effective LIGA-like technology. The refractive microlens arrays with high optical quality can be fabricated by this technology. Moreover, it has also been demonstrated that the LIGA-like technology is suitable for low-cost, rapid, and massive production for the industrial application.

摘 要 I
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VIII
表 目 錄 XI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 類LIGA技術 3
1.2.1 LIGA技術 3
1.2.2 類LIGA技術 5
1.3 SU-8光阻特性 10
1.4 折射式微透鏡 13
1.4.1 微透鏡種類與應用 13
1.4.2 折射式微透鏡陣列製造技術 14
1.5 微模造成型技術 26
1.6 研究目的 29
第2章 理論背景 30
2.1 準分子雷射原理 30
2.2 準分子雷射光微加工原理 35
2.3 準分子雷射光微加工模式 41
2.4 SU-8光阻直接壓模原理 45
2.5 SU-8折射率檢測原理 47
第3章 實驗設備與方法 49
3.1 實驗設備 49
3.1.1 加工設備 49
3.1.2 檢測設備 51
3.2 實驗方法 55
3.3 SU-8光阻樣品備製 56
第4章 實驗結果 57
4.1 SU-8光阻特性檢測 57
4.1.1 光學特性檢測 57
4.1.2 準分子雷射光微加工之特性檢測 57
4.2 折射式微透鏡陣列製作 64
4.3 折射式微透鏡陣列熱壓印複製 69
4.4 微透鏡表面輪廓檢測 72
4.5 微透鏡光學特性檢測 77
4.6 熱壓印複製成品檢測 81
第5章 分析與討論 83
5.1 微透鏡表面輪廓分析 83
5.2 微透鏡光學特性分析 87
5.3 熱壓印複製成品分析 88
第6章 結論 90
第7章 未來展望 91
參考資料 92

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4. 張新仁(民79): 從資訊處理談有效的學習策略。教育學刊,9,47-66。
5. 張新仁(民81):認知心理學對教學的影響。教育研究雙月刊,28,13-32。
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14. [1] 周敏傑, “LIGA製程技術發展現況,” 機械工業雜誌, 元月號, p.131-147, 1996.
15. [7] 楊啟榮, 強玲英, 黃奇聲, “微系統LIGA製程之精密電鑄技術,” 科儀新知, 2(1),pp.4-16, 2000.