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研究生(外文):yu shao yi
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Chemistry and Pharmacology of Vernonia gratiosa Hance
外文關鍵詞:Vernonia gratiosaChemistryPharmacology
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過山龍 (Vernonia gratiosa Hance),一名斑鳩菊,為菊科斑鳩菊屬植物,台灣民間常用其莖、葉等地上部份,供作解熱鎮痛之藥物,流傳甚廣,其它尚有舒筋活血、利濕消腫,化瘀止痛等作用。
化學成分方面,自過山龍地上部植物分離出之成分有b-sitosterol and stigmasterol (H-1)、lienolic acid (H-2)、palmitic acid (H-3)、lutein (C-1)等成分。而過山龍在化學方面尚無文獻資料,因此,上述成分均第一次由本植物中分離得到。
本研究並以過山龍之甲醇萃取物進行藥理活性評估。實驗結果顯示,使用過山龍萃取物(0.5~2g/kg, i.p.),在室溫下對細菌內毒素 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 誘發發燒之大鼠,具有明顯及劑量依存性之解熱作用;在0.1~2g/kg(i.p.)劑量下,對內生性致熱原 IL-1b 誘發之發燒反應亦具有抑制作用。大劑量(3g/kg i.p.) 下,對picrotoxin、pentylenetetrazol所誘發之陣發性痙攣及強直性痙攣發生之時間具有延長的作用,能有效抑制痙攣的產生;但對strychnine 誘發之痙攣作用,則僅能延長陣發性痙攣產生之時間。分別使用0.1~3g/kg (i.p.)及1~3g/kg (i.p.)進行醋酸扭體實驗及福馬林試驗。從醋酸扭體實驗及福馬林試驗之結果顯示,過山龍之甲醇萃取物具有顯著的鎮痛作用;在較大劑量(3g/kg i.p.) 時,幾乎可以完全抑制醋酸所造成的扭體次數,而對福馬林引起疼痛之前期具明顯之抑制作用,對後期則需於較大劑量(2g/kg i.p.)才有作用。此外,過山龍之甲醇萃取物(1~3g/kg i.p.)可誘發劑量依存性之自發運動量降低作用、大劑量(3k/kg i.p.)之過山龍甲醇萃取物可誘發快速且短暫之肌肉鬆弛作用。
Vernonia gratiosa Hance of Compositae Family is a folk medicine in Taiwan which has been used to clear away the heat, activate blood circulation and relieving swelling and pain.
From its methanolic extracts, five compounds were isolated: the mixture of b-sitostererol and stigmasterol (H-1), linoleic acid (H-2), palmitic acid (H-3), lutein (C-1) and compound U-1. These compounds were first isolated from this plant and their structures were determined by spectroscopic method.
In the present study, the methanolic extract of V. gratiosa were evaluated for thermoregulatory response, analgesic, anticonvulsion, locomotor activity and muscle relaxation effect in rats or mice. In unanesthetized rats, V. gratiosa (0.5~2 g/kg, i.p.) caused a dose-related fall in colonic temperature at room temperature (24±1℃). The fever induced by either lipopolysaccharide ( LPS, 100 mg/kg, i.p.) or interleukin-1b (10ng/10ml, lateral cerebral ventricle injection) was attenuated by treatment with V. gratiosa (0.1~2g/kg i.p.) in rats.
Methanlic extract of V. gratiosa inhibited the writhing response induced by acetic acid and the early and late phases of pain response induced by formalin in mice (i.p.), respectively. It not only reduced the colonic and tonic convulsion time induced by picrotoxin and pentylenetrazol, respectively, but also reduced the colonic convulsion induced by strychnine. In addition, V. gratiosa reduced the locomotor activity and showed significant muscle relaxing effect.
These results indicated that V. gratiosa posse antipyretic, analgesic, anti-convulsive and sedative effects.
目 錄Ⅰ
摘 要Ⅳ
第一章 緒 言1
第二章 總 論5
第一節 過山龍之藥用植物學考察5
第二節 斑鳩菊屬植物成分及藥理之文獻考察7
第三章 實驗之部18
第一節 實驗試藥與儀器18
第二節 實驗藥材來源及抽提與分離20
第三節 藥理實驗方法22
第四章 結 果25
第一節 化學成分之光譜分析25
第二節 藥理實驗結果30
第五章 討 論41
第一節 成分鑑定討論41
第二節 藥理實驗討論45
第六章 結論49
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