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研究生(外文):Lai Shiow-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Risk Judgments and Toxicology Concepts among Taiwanese -A Case Study in Tai-Pyng Area of Taichung County
指導教授(外文):Wu Kuen-Yuh
外文關鍵詞:risk communicationjudgment regulationrisk judgementtoxicologyhealthenvironmental chemicals
  • 被引用被引用:10
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Characterization of the judgments toward domestic chemical risks and intuitive toxicological concepts among the public would be beneficial to elucidate their risk perceptions and risk acceptability and may pave the way for efficient risk communication. Questionnaires adapted from literatures were used to study risk perception currently shared by students(n=1438), teachers(n=138)of a junior high school and students'' parents(n=2139)on and regulation in the long run. living in Tai-Pyng area of Taichung County, Taiwan. These questions were designed for intuitive analyses to study respondents'' conception and attitude toward chemicals and other risk factors. Data collected for this study were analyzed with the Chi-square test using the SAS program. Our results shows that teachers had much higher perceptions of risk than the other respondents, and their judgments toward chemical risks are related to their education level, gender, newspaper reading rate, and surrounding environments. Our results also show significant differences in perceptions on the risk and toxicology concepts between the public and toxicologists. The public'' attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than the toxicologists in terms of dose and exposure. Significant differences in risk perceptions and toxicology concepts were also demonstrated between men and women. Women''s attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than men in terms of dose and exposure. Men expressed less concern hazard chemical. Results from this case study imply that the public obviously lacks knowledge of adverse health effects caused by chemicals, and suggest that education of environmental health may be needed for students of high school, college, and university.
第壹章 前 言-------------------------------01
第貳章 文 獻 探 討-------------------------------05
第伍章結 論-------------------------------47
第陸章 研究限制與建議-----------------------------48
第柒章 參 考 文 獻--------------------------------49
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