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研究生(外文):Lee, Bor-Shyun
論文名稱(外文):Reasons and Demographics of Clinic Physicians Participating and not Participating in NHI
外文關鍵詞:not participating in NHIout-of-pocket paymentprimary care clinic physicians
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本研究試著透過診所特質、負責醫師對健保態度、醫師基本特質三大類變項,來分析診所加入及未加入健保特約之現況與因素,並透過Logistic regression分析未加入健保特約之主要因素。研究母群體為88年12月底台中縣市登記開業之診所負責醫師為研究對象,以寄發結構式問卷為測量方法,共寄發2592份問卷,回收有效問卷為375份,回收率為14.5%。
After the National Health Insurance (NHI) was implemented, it reduced the financial burden for patients and increased the accessibility of care. According to the statistic data of NHI in 2000, the enrollment rate for NHI reached 96%. In order to increase the patients, the primary care clinics should aggressively participate in NHI to serve the NHI enrollees. But, there were only 90% clinics participating in the NHI program. It means that the patients need to pay out-of-pocket payment for the medical services provided by the NHI non-contracted clinics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the primary care clinics participating or not participating in NHI.
This study analyzed three major factors: practice characteristics, attitudes toward the NHI program and the demographics of physician. The logistic regression model was applied to determine the factors that were associated with clinics participating or not participating in NHI program. The samples were clinic physicians in Taichung area. The questionnaire was used and mailed to 2592 clinic physicians. Totally, 375 effective questionnaires were received, and the response rate was 14.5%.
The study results were shown as follows: for the demographics of clinic physician, older physicians, physicians of Chinese medicine, and physician with more years in clinic practice tended not to participate in NHI. Physicians who expected higher income were more likely to participate in NHI.
In practice characteristics, this study found the specialty was not a significant factor influencing physicians to participate in NHI, but the type of patients’ illness was an important factor. The clinics, which were able to treat the patients with skin diseases, were more likely to participate in NHI. In western medicine, clinics that were able to treat the ENT diseases, digestives diseases, and obstetric/gynecology diseases were less likely to participate in NHI.
For the attitudes toward the NHI program, physicians, who expected that their income would increase after they participated in NHI, tended to participate in NHI. Clinic physicians that had experience in contract with previous health insurances tended to participate in NHI. Excessive regulations from NHI program and perceptive unfair reimbursement were the factors that influenced physicians not to participate in NHI. The privacy of physician’s income was not a significant factor as we thought before.
Finally, we also found that no matter how higher the reimbursement is, or how the NHI system will be reformed, some clinics will still not participate in the NHI program.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究目的5
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 健保特約診所定義與特性6
第二節 影響診所加入健保特約之因素10
第三章 研究設計與方法19
第一節 研究架構19
第二節 研究假設20
第三節 樣本或資料來源21
第四節 測量方法23
第五節 研究變項及定義24
第六節 分析方法27
第四章 研究結果28
第一節 描述性分析28
第二節 雙變項分析35
第三節 羅吉斯迴歸分析41
第五章 討論86
第六章 結論與建議92
第一節 結論92
第二節 建議95
第三節 研究限制96
表1- 1 特約醫事服務機構3
表1- 2 中區分局88年12月診所家數統計表3
表 2- 1 醫療院所違規查處統計9
表 2- 2 醫療費用分析狀況16
表 2- 3 特約醫事服務機構門住診費用申報狀況 - 按層級別分16
表 3- 1 問卷回收情形21
表 4- 1 樣本回收情形53
表 4- 2 特約診所現況54
表 4- 3 非特約診所現況55
表 4- 4 負責醫師基本資料 - 依科別56
表 4- 5 負責醫師基本資料 - 依特約別58
表 4- 6 診所特質 - 依科別60
表 4- 7 診所特質 - 依特約別62
表 4- 8 健保實施對診所的影響 - 針對健保實施前即開業者65
表 4- 9 健保實施對診所的影響 - 針對健保實施前即開業者67
表 4- 10 健保實施後,認為加入健保特約比不加入健保特約對收入的可能影響 — 依科別69
表 4- 11 健保實施後,認為加入健保特約比不加入健保特約對收入的可能影響 — 依特約別69
表 4- 12 加入健保主要缺點 - 依科別70
表 4- 13 加入健保主要缺點 - 依特約別70
表 4- 14 健保制度最迫切需要改變項目 - 依科別71
表 4- 15 健保制度最迫切需要改變項目 - 依特約別72
表 4- 16 健保制度改變後加入意願 - 依科別73
表 4- 17 健保制度改變後加入意願 - 依特約別73
表 4- 18 制度改變後願意加入特約 - 依科別74
表 4- 19 制度改變後願意加入特約 - 依特約別75
表 4- 20 健保態度與看法 - 依科別76
表 4- 21 健保態度與看法 - 依特約別77
表 4- 22 是否加入本次(89年3月)健保特約78
表 4- 23 醫師基本特質對健保特約與否之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果(西、中、牙醫)79
表 4- 24 醫師基本特質與健保態度對健保特約與否之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果80
表 4- 25 醫師基本特質、健保態度與病人疾病型態對診所是否特約之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果 (西、中醫)81
表 4- 26 醫師基本特質、健保態度及病人型態對健保特約與否之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果(西醫)82
表 4- 27 醫師基本特質、健保態度及專科科別對健保特約與否之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果(西醫)83
表 4- 28 各因素對診所是否特約之羅吉斯迴歸分析結果整理84
圖1-1 每人平均門診次數2
圖2-1 保險特約流程8
圖3-1 研究架構
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