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研究生(外文):Yang, Tung-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the regulation of nitric oxide induced by controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Horng-Der
外文關鍵詞:IVF-ETcontrolled ovarian hyperstimulationNOeNOSImmunohistochemistryWestern blot analysis
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背景利用外源性促性腺激素(gonadotropins)刺激卵巢產生超排卵作用(superovulation),來增進不孕夫婦的懷孕率,已是不孕症的治療常規之一。一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)最初由血管內皮細胞發現,是眾所周知的血管鬆弛因子;而一氧化氮也具有調節卵巢組織內卵泡成長、排卵以及性類固醇生成等生理功能。本論文將評估控制性超排卵刺激(controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation, COH)對於體外受精胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, IVF-ET)之婦女血液一氧化氮濃度之影響;並分析控制性超排卵刺激對於雌性小白鼠卵巢細胞內一氧化氮合成■(nitric oxide synthase, NOS)的表現。
實驗方法(1)雌性小白鼠動物實驗-以六至八週大雌性小白鼠,分成控制組、超排卵刺激組(Pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin, PMSG 及 human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG)和超排卵刺激加NOS抑制劑(L-NG-nitro-D-arginine methyle ester, L-NAME)組共三組。以免疫組織化學法(Immuno-histochemical,IHC)和西方墨點分析法(Western blot analysis),來觀察卵巢組織各種細胞中內皮性一氧化氮合成■之濃度、時程變化(time-course changes)及特定性分佈(cell-specific distribution)。(2)生育期婦女超排卵刺激:實驗分為兩組;一組是正常月經週期的婦女,一組是接受試管嬰兒治療之不孕症婦女。共收集18名生育期婦女血液樣本。本研究將測量受試者血液中一氧化氮與動情素、黃體素濃度之相對變化;以探討控制性超排卵刺激下婦女,隨月經週期其體內一氧化氮濃度以及荷爾蒙(動情素及黃體素)變化之關聯性。
結果本論文發現雌性小白鼠卵巢組織內的膜細胞層(thecal cell layer)、基質細胞(stromal cell)、卵細胞的表面以及整個黃體內,皆可見明顯呈褐色的內皮性一氧化氮合成■(endothelial NOS, eNOS),且具有明顯的特定細胞分佈性質。而給于超排卵加NOS抑制劑的雌性小白鼠,卵巢組織僅有少數可見卵泡有黃體化,雖然褐色的eNOS表現依然存在。當以PMSG刺激卵泡成長後,可見eNOS表現隨著時間而逐漸增強;再以hCG觸發排卵後,eNOS亦隨著時間持續增加;而在黃體形成後達到高原期,呈現出明顯的時程變化。
結論本實驗證實在小白鼠的卵巢膜細胞層和基質細胞以及卵細胞的表面,皆可見到褐色的eNOS表現;以PMSG刺激後則會隨時程演變而逐漸顯現在壁顆粒細胞,以hCG取代LH surge觸發排卵後則逐漸顯現在黃體內,且呈現明顯的細胞特定性分佈形態。分析eNOS不同時間點的相對含量時,則呈現出明顯的時程變化,先以PMSG刺激可見eNOS表現逐漸增強,再以hCG觸發排卵後也持續增加,而在黃體形成後達到高原期。eNOS是組成性合成,在早期的顆粒細胞並無表現;至於,促性腺激素藉由何種機轉誘發晚期顆粒細胞合成eNOS?目前仍了解很少。
Studies on the Regulation of Nitric Oxide Induced by Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with exogenous gonadotropins has become a routine part of infertility therapy. The improving uterine arterial blood flow and endometrial development as well as the large number of oocytes that can be obtained greatly increase the overall likelihood for pregnancy for infertile couples. NO, one of the most potent vasodilators, synthesized from the amino acid L-arginine, is now a well-established EDRF. NOS expression and NO generation have been recently reported in ovaries of rats, guinea pigs and humans. NO is also known to play several roles in folliculogenesis, ovulation and sex steroidogenesis.
The purpose of the present study was to localize eNOS protein in the mouse ovary and to test their hormonal regulation induced by gonadotropins. Moreover, using follicular development phase of menstrual cycle in normal women and patients undergoing IVF-ET treatment, we investigated whether ovarian sex steroids modulate NO production.
Animal Study:
Animals purchased from the supplier were given a few days to adjust to the light-dark cycle before the administration of the PMS. Mice were maintained on a 12 h light:12 h dark cycle and food and water ad libitum.
A total of 36-48 female mice were divided into 3 groups. Of these, all were given PMS on day 1.
(i)Control mice group.
(ii)Superovulation group.
(iii)Superovulation plus NOS inhibition group: Of these mice on PMS, 12-16 were given the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME (50 mg/mouse/24 h) as i.p. injections on days 1-3 of super-ovulation program.
Animals were chosen at random for tissue collection and future use for immunohistochemical studies as well as Western blot analysis. Three animals per moment observed were used to obtained tissues.
Study on women in reproductive age:
Two groups of women within reproductive age, 6 normally cyclic women as control group, another 12 women in stimulated cycle, were enrolled. Circulating level of NO and sex steroids (E2, P4) were checked at specific periods on cycle day 3, mid-cycle or the day just prior to hCG injection, and current mid-luteal phase. All blood samples were collected after overnight fasting and centrifuged immediately in a refrigerated centrifuge. The samples were frozen at —700C until analysis. The changes of circulating levels of NO and sex steroids during normal cycle or COH regimen were measured and discussed for study.
Animal Study:
Using polyclonal rabbit antisera and immunohistochemical staining, the cell-specific expression of eNOS was demonstrated. Ovaries obtained from each group of mice contained follicles in early antral stages with multiple layers of granulosa cells surrounding oocytes. Brownish immunostaining indicated the presence of eNOS in the theca cell layer and stroma cells and on the surface of oocytes No specific staining was found within the granulosa cell layer in control mice. Many large antral follicles or corpus luteum were found after superovulation treatment.. At ovulation, no further changes in expression of eNOS were detected, but after ovulation and luteinization, enhanced eNOS staining was observed within the corpus luteum. In superovulation plus NOS inhibition group, brownish immunostaining remain, but decreased number of corpus luteum was present.
Using polyclonal rabbit antisera and Western blot analysis, quantitative data are consistent with the changes in eNOS expression observed immunohistochemically. After superovulation, eNOS levels increased progressively as the time went on. Moreover, the greatest amount of eNOS was observed in ovaries at the luteal phase. eNOS is considered as a constitutively expressed enzyme, indeed, ovarian eNOS exhibit a distinct, hormone-regulated expression pattern during follicular development, ovulation, and luteal phase in this mouse model.
Study on women in reproductive age:
In normally cycling women and stimulated patients, the highest plasma concentrations of NO metabolites corresponded to the midcycle, when the serum levels of estrogen were also greatest. This supports the existence of an E2 control of NO generation and release.
These data demonstrate that rat ovarian eNOS expression is regulated during folliculogenesis. eNOS was localized to the theca cell layer and stroma cells and the surface of oocytes in control ovaries. During follicular development, increased staining was observed in both theca cell layer and granulosa cells. At ovulation, no further changes in expression of eNOS were detected, but enhanced eNOS staining was observed within the CL. In Western blot analysis of eNOS in mouse ovaries, eNOS levels increased progressively after superovulation, and the greatest amount of eNOS was observed at the luteal phase. It is shown that the time-course changes of eNOS expression are induced by controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. However, the mechanism by which eNOS is induced in the ovary by gonadotropins is still unclear.
Both the highest plasma concentrations of NO metabolites and the greatest serum levels of estrogen correspond to the late follicular phase. These facts indicate that marked systemic vasodilator effects induced by estrogen may be partially mediated by nitric oxide. Improved ovarian and uterine blood flows are beneficial to ovulation and endometrial development. Furthermore, the reduction in NO metabolites observed in secretory phase suggests a possible opposing action of progesterone on NO generation or release. Further studies are needed to verify this inference.
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------- p.01
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- p.02
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------- p.05
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------- p.06
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------- p.07
圖表附錄 ------------------------------------------------- p.09
符號與縮寫 ----------------------------------------------- p.10
I前言 ------------------------------------------- p.12
II材料 ------------------------------------------ p.25
III方法 ----------------------------------------- p.28
IV結果〈含圖表〉 -------------------------------- p.41
V討論 ------------------------------------------- p.63
VI參考文獻 -------------------------------------- p.75
VII英文摘要 ------------------------------------- p.80
作者簡歷 ------------------------------------------------- p.83
著作權聲明 ----------------------------------------------- p.84
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