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研究生(外文):Chin-Hsun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Response of serum leptin level in rats after ovariectomy and Estrogen supplement
指導教授(外文):Fen-Pi Chou
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本實驗主要是探討停經前及停經後的婦女( postmenopausal ),體重增加的機制,在這個研究中,使用卵巢切除來誘導肥胖的大白鼠模式,來探討leptin在這過程中所扮演的角色。在這實驗過程中,進行長達17週長時間的監控紀錄大白鼠在失去雌性素(estrogen)之後,血清中平均leptin的變化,同時觀察給予雌性素對於leptin的影響。
This experiment is aimed at discussing the mechanism of gaining weight of women between “ Postmenopausal ײ from “ Primenopausal ײ During the research, using “ Ovariectomy — induced obesity model ײ to observing how leptin plays a role during the procedure.
During a 17-week-long experiment, we observed the variation and influence of the leptin when the “ Estrogen ײ is loses and “ Estrogen ײ gain of in rats. According to the results, the weight gaining on the OVX group, which “Ovariectomy-induced obesity model ײ was applied, was far ahead than the other two groups in their average weight in three weeks and continued increasing until the last week. The leptin level in blood was increased with the weight gain of the OVX group. However, the above leptin level, whick was at the unit of (0.216±0.132ng/ml), was hardly detected when at mid-term of the 7 th week. After this, its leptin level started gaining to the unit of (3.182±0.936ng/ml) until the final procedure of the experiment. It is obvious that the level of the leptin was around four times than it was before the operation (0.818±0.242ng/ml). The flutuation of leptin’s level were caused by the “Ovariectomy” induces the increase of weight, which is caused by the leptin level decreased in the early stage. However, the final increasing of leptin level and its weight gain may be influnced by the sensitivity of the leptin signal.
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