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研究生(外文):Ting-Chung Ho
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Service company Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
指導教授(外文):Kung-Jeng Wang
  • 被引用被引用:1
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半導體封裝測試專業代工工廠,以其專業的封裝與測試製造能力提供其顧客完善服務。而顧客大多以IC設計與製造整合公司,IDM,或是晶片設計公司為主。半導體廠所投資成本比一般傳統性工業甚為可觀,為了符合各樣多變的顧客需求,如短的製造週期與配送時程(如JIT及時交貨下,顧客指定交貨日期寬放極短),與快速顧客回應(顧客訂單或設計有臨時變動,要快速反應在製造工序上) ,高品質,低成本等等需求皆較以往有過之。
CIM依照其FC (Factory Coordination)及PAC (Production Activity Control)之架構,加上佐以MES (Manufacturing Execution System) 為FC及PAC之介面。由MES整合MRP (Material Requirement Plan),BOM (Bill of Material),PDD (Product Definition Database)資料庫,及規納彙總整理儲存產品資料收集,提供上位FC及下位PAC製造排程,配工,資源分配,效率,稽核動作:CIM系統下的MRP與PDD處理顧客訂單接單,確認,及預定交貨期。並將顧客訂單依照目前產能與資源來排定工廠工單。
之後FC將工廠工單再細分數筆更小的生產線工單(MFS Lot),予以排程,派工,至下位各PAC主控之GT Cell,然後每一個GT Cell之PAC在各種Cell內控制其內的生產線工單之機器排程,派工,搬運移位,監督工單工作進度,品質狀況予以各自動化設備,並回饋給其上位FC系統。
PAC工作完成後,再由FC指派新工單入GT Cell中,且FC系統再將完成之成品生產線工單,予以合併為工廠或客戶訂單,再依照客戶所預定的日期按時出貨。
A semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing entity includes integration of the processing equipment with all the supporting systems for product and process specification, process planning, production planning, scheduling, material management and handling and tracking. The capital investment is larger than other tradition industry. But today’s customers are demanding more than before: short manufacturing and logistic cycle time, just in time delivery (delivery windows is narrow than it was), quick response to design change / process change, high quality, low cost for performance products are demanded by customers. IC assembly and test manufacturing service (subcontractor) companies are being forced to move from high volume mass production of commodity IC to low volume, flexible, and leaner production of special application IC with very short life cycle. So IC integrated manufacturers (IDM) or subcontractors have to cut production cycle time, reduce cost, improve quality, better equipment utilization, and meet on time delivery to satisfy end customers.
CIM (computer integration manufacturing) is a solution to meet such customers’ dynamic demands. Through enterprise modeling approaches and each approach comparison, object-oriented method is selected for the CIM model. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is selected as modeling tool to specify, visualize, construct and document the artifacts of this system-intensive process of IC assembly and test manufacturing operation.
First of all, customers order entry, order commitment, and order processes are integrated with MRP (material requirement planning) and PDD (product definition database) to prepare piece parts. Then customer orders are scheduled as factory orders and released into shop floor control systems. Factory Coordinator (FC) and Production Activity Control (PAC) take over the factory orders (jobs). Under the FC function, one factory order later is split into several manufacturing lots with suitable manufacturer-preferred size with its process plan plus the necessary recipe of each manufacturing operation process. The manufacturing lots are scheduled and dispatched to the right cell (automation island) at the suitable time by the coordination of scheduler, dispatcher and monitor of FC. Finally, PAC (of each individual cell) continues to follow FC’s process plan and schedule plan to run manufacturing job for each individual lots at its own procedure under the management of PAC by its own scheduler, dispatcher, monitor, mover. Lots completed by PAC are sent to finish good warehouse and combined together or merged into original factory order or customer order under FC instruction again. And so on, product is delivered to customer with her expectation shipping date, quality requirement, and other agreement written in the purchase order.
Issues & Methodology 1
Part A: Literature Review 3
CHAPTER 1: Enterprise Modeling 4
CHAPTER 2: Enterprise Modeling Approaches 6
2.1 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 7
2.2 Approaches for CIM model11 9
2.3 Criteria for Evaluating 24
2.4 Conclusions 26
CHAPTER 3: OOA & OOD Modeling 27
3.1 Object-Oriented Approach 28
3.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML) 32
Part B: Use UML to design CIM Model at IC Assembly & Test Factory 35
CHAPTER 4: Tool for Competitiveness of Enterprise — CIM 36
4.1 Model of CIM Architecture 36
4.2 Intraorganizational Integration (Between Enterprise) 38
CHAPTER 5: An O-O CIM Model for an IC Assembly and Test Company 40
5.1 Assumption and Domain of the CIM Model System 40
5.2 UML CIM Model 43
CHAPTER 6: CIM Implementation 57
6.1 Guideline to Phase in CIM System 57
6.2 CIM Implementation at IC Assembly and Test Company 58
PART C: Conclusions of Study 66
CHAPTER 7: Benefits from the O-O CIM Model 67
CHAPTER 8: The CIM Model Implementation Result 70
CHAPTER 9: Future Study 72
(1) F.B. Vernadat, 1996. Enterprise Modeling and Integration: Principles and Applications. Chapman & Hill London, UK
(2) August-Wilhelm Scheer, 1994. CIM Towards the Factory of the Future. Saabrucken, Germany.
(3) F.B. Vernadat, 1996. Enterprise Modeling and Integration: Principles and Applications. Chapman & Hill London, UK
(4) August-Wilhelm Scheer, 1994. Business Process Engineering. Reference Models for Industrial Enterprise. Saabrucken, Germany.
(5) Charles Richter, 1999. Designing Flexible Object-Oriented Systems With UML. New York.
(6) Krzysztof Santarek, 1998. Organizational Problems and Issues of CIM System Design. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 76, 219-226.
(7) Krzysztof Santarek, 1998. Organizational Problems and Issues of CIM System Design. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 76, 219-226.
(8) FAN-TIEN CHENG, ERIC SHEN, JUN-YAN DENG and KEVIN NGUYEN, 1999. Development of a system framework for the computer-integrated manufacturing execution system: A distribted object-oriented approach. INT.J.COMPUTER INTERGATED MANUFACTURING, VOL 12, NO.5, 384-402.
(9) Bauer, Bowden, Browne, Duggan and Lyons, 1994. Shop Floor Control System from Design to implementation .Chapman & Hill London, UK
(10) Bauer, Bowden, Browne, Duggan and Lyons, 1994. Shop Floor Control System from Design to implementation .Chapman & Hill London, UK
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