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研究生(外文):LuShing Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Study of High Volatiles Combustion in Vortexing Fluidized Bed Combustor; Nitric Oxide and Nitrous Oxide Emission
指導教授(外文):ChienSong Chyang
中文關鍵詞:High volatilesNitric OxideNitrous oxideEmissionFluidized BedCombustion
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近年來能源回收是廢棄物處理的主要方向之一,目前是以固體廢棄物為主要處理對象,有關液體廢棄物之處理報告則少之又少,且液體燃燒之行為與固體有所不同,需詳加研究探討以瞭解其污染物排放情形。本研究係針對燃燒液態物質進行研究,以柴油模擬廢油之燃燒,於一內徑0.45m,高5m之渦旋式流體化床燃燒爐(vortexing fluidized bed combustor, VFBC)中進行,矽砂為床質,於不同之操作條件下探討渦旋式流體化床燃燒爐中各區段之NO與N2O分佈及排放。操作變數包括:床溫、過量空氣、配風比及床高,並探討燃料之性質對NO與N2O排放之效應。
依研究結果顯示,NO排放濃度隨床溫之增加而增加,亦隨過量空氣之增加而上升,當過量空氣大於70%計量空氣時,NO排放濃度趨於持平而不再增加;N2O則隨床溫增加而降低,於過量空氣效應中,隨過量空氣增加而略為上升。在固定過量空氣改變一、二次風量中, NO之排放濃度隨一次風量增加而增加,N2O排放濃度則隨配風比增加而降低。床高之改變,對NO及N2O之排放濃度並無明顯之影響。
In recent years, a variety of technologies of energy recovery from waste have been developed and applied. The solid-waste is the main resource for energy recovery. The reports concerning the liquid-waste disposal are minimal. The combustion behavior of liquid within the fluidized bed is quite different from that of solid. In this study, diesel oil is used as the fuel to simulate the combustion of waste oil. All experiments are carried out in a 0.45m I.D. pilot scale vortexing fluidized bed combustor. The temperature within the combustor are controlled by water injection into the bed. Diesel oil, charcoal and char are used as the feeding material. The refinded foundry sand was used as the bed material.
The effect of various operating conditions, such as bed temperature, excess air ratio, primary to secondary air ratio and static bed height on the combustor performance was invested gated. The experimental results reveal that the NO emission increases with the excess air ratio and bed temperatures, N2O emission decreases with bed temperature, and increases with excess air ratio. While excess air is greater than 70%, the effect of excess air on NO emission is minimal. For a certain excess air, a higher NO emission is observed while the primary air is about stoichiometric air ratio, and NO emission increased with the ratio of primary air to secondary air. N2O emission is decreased with staging degree. In different diesel oil and charcoal feed ratio, the more charcoal feed appears to yield significant NO and N2O. Because the charcoal have higher fuel-nitrogen content than diesel oil.
Regarding NO concentration within the freeboard, it decreases with the distance from the distributor in axial direction it may state that the freeboard in the reduction zone of NO. Generally speaking, NO form above the bed surface and achieves a maximum value at just above the inlet of secondary air and reduces considerably within the freeboard eventually.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻回顧3
2-1 一氧化氮與氧化亞氮對環境的影響4
2-1-1 一氧化氮對環境的影響4
2-1-2 氧化亞氮對環境的影響5
2-2 氮氧化物與氧化亞氮之來源8
2-2-1 氮氧化物之來源8
2-2-2 氧化亞氮之來源14
2-3 一氧化氮與氧化亞氮之生成17
2-3-1 一氧化氮之生成17
2-3-2 氧化亞氮之生成20
2-4 操作變數之影響25
2-4-1 過量空氣25
2-4-2 床溫25
2-4-3 二次空氣效應27
2-4-4 床高27
2-4-5 SO2吸收劑27
2-5 燃料性質29
2-5-1 油性物質燃燒29
2-5-2 燃料中之氮含量30
2-5-3 燃料中之揮發物含量30
2-5-4 燃料之粒徑31
第三章 實驗設備及操作方法32
3-1 實驗設備32
3-1-1 渦旋式流體化床燃燒爐主體32
3-1-2 進料系統35
3-1-3 供氧及預熱系統36
3-1-4 冷卻及煙道氣處理系統38
3-1-5 採樣方法38
3-2 進料性質與製備40
3-2-1 燃料40
3-2-2 床質40
3-2-3 進料量之校正40
3-3 操作方法及實驗變數43
3-3-1 開爐43
3-3-2 實驗操作變數44
3-4 燃燒份額之計算46
3-4-1 燃燒份額理論推導46
3-4-2 基本假設47
3-4-3 質量平衡49
3-4-4 能量平衡49
第四章 結果與討論52
4-1 溫度分佈52
4-2 操作變數對氮氧化物之影響54
4-2-1 床溫效應54
4-2-2 過量空氣效應59
4-2-3 配風比效應63
4-2-4 床高效應66
4-3 燃料效率及燃燒份額與NO之關聯69
4-3-1 燃料效率與NO之關聯69
4-4 燃料效率及燃燒份額與NO之關聯69
4-4-1 燃料中揮發物含量對氮氧化物之影響74
4-5 一氧化碳之濃度分佈82
第五章 結論84
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