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論文名稱(外文):Measurement of the Kinetics Between CO2 and DEA/AMP solutions and the Solubility and the Diffusivity of N2O in DIPA+H2O
指導教授(外文):M. H. Li
外文關鍵詞:alkanolaminereaction kineticsCO2DIPA/H2ODEA/AMP/H2OHenry''s constantDiffusivityreaction rate constant
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本研究主要為探討CO2與混合醇胺DEA/AMP水溶液的反應動力學,其濃度範圍為DEA (0.1-0.4 kmol·m-3) / AMP (1.0 kmol·m-3)及DEA (0.1-0.4 kmol·m-3) / AMP (1.5 kmol·m-3),溫度是30、35及40C。對於CO2,本研究以pseudo-first-order的模式來描述反應動力,而對於DEA、AMP則用兩性離子機構來描述。同時也量測N2O在混合醇胺DEA/AMP水溶液中之亨利常數及擴散係數。由實驗結果可發現,本研究的實驗符合先前的假設,且兩性離子機構可以用來解釋DEA、AMP與CO2的反應。
The kinetics of the reaction between CO2 and diethanolamine (DEA) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) aqueous solutions. The operation is at 30-40C. The concentrations are DEA (0.1-0.4 kmol·m-3) / AMP (1.0 kmol·m-3) and DEA (0.1-0.4 kmol·m-3) / AMP (1.5 kmol·m-3). The pseudo-first-order model and the zwitterion mechanism were used to describe the reaction of CO2 with DEA and AMP, respectively. The solubility and diffusivity of N2O in DEA/AMP aqueous solutions were also measured.
The solubility and the diffusivity of N2O in diisopropanolamine (DIPA) aqueous solutions were also studied.
The parameters of the calculations were determined from the literature values and the values obtained in this study.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 原理與理論9
2-1-1 N2O類比理論9
2-3 CO2與醇胺水溶液的反應機構20
2-4-2 Pseudo-first-order反應的解析解30
2-5-1 Jhaveri (1969)的吸收模式35
2-5-2 Rangwala et al. (1992)的吸收模式36
第三章 吸收模式探討43
3-1 CO2與DEA水溶液吸收模式探討43
3-1-1 DEA水溶液一級反應43
3-1-2 DEA水溶液二級反應44
3-1-3 DEA水溶液兩性離子反應45
3-2 CO2與AMP水溶液吸收模式探討48
3-2-1 AMP水溶液一級反應48
3-2-2 AMP水溶液兩性離子反應50
第四章 實驗52
第五章 結果與討論63
第六章 結 論124
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