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研究生(外文):Chen, Tsun-Ren
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis, Structures and Spectra of Polydentate Nitrogen Ligands and their Metal-Complexes
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jhy-Der
外文關鍵詞:ICTelectroluminascencecrystal structureDNMRpteridine
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本論文探討多芽氮配位基與其金屬化物之結構特徵、分子動態行為、吸收光譜、螢光放射現象與電激發光現象。 經由分子模擬之理論計算可以預測分子之穩定結構與分子軌域之電子分佈狀態,這些計算結果有助於解釋分子之行為表現。 由動態核磁共振實驗可以進一步瞭解分子之動態行為及結構轉變現象,而其構形轉換所需之自由能與平衡常數可被得知,這些數據有助於瞭解分子之結構特徵。 本論文所探討之多芽氮配位基的分子間與分子內電荷移轉現象伴隨強烈的螢光效應。 在Pd(CSAAP)2(CSAAP = N-camphorsulfonyl-2, 6-diaminopyridine)結構中氫原子與氧原子及鈀原子間之氫鍵鍵結提供其結構構型穩定化之重要因素,這些氫鍵鍵結不但克服大基團間的龐大立體阻礙,而且足夠令鈀原子與四個氮原子所形成之平行四方形與其連結環之共平面發生彎曲。 在 PdCl2 (Bpeap)2(Bpeap = 6-bromo-2-phenylethylaminopyridine)錯和物中二個配位子的N─H鍵以彼此成反式的方向經由分子內作用方式沿著中心鈀原子的Z軸軌域方向靠近中心鈀原子,經由1H-NMR與IR光譜比較分析結果可知其屬於相當特殊的小角度的三中心四電子之氫鍵鍵結作用模式。 Pt2Cl4 (Hmp) 2(Hmp = 4-Hydroxy-2-mercaptopteridine)錯和物結構是首次被發現的pteridine與鉑金屬之雙金屬核錯合物,其結構經由X-ray解析確認,在此結構中二個Hmp配位子間是利用硫原子及氮原子透過鉑原子形成架橋(bridge)而形成之雙金屬核錯合物。
A series of polydentate nitrogen ligands and their metal-complexes were synthesized and characterized by UV-vis, IR, NMR and fluorescent spectroscopy. Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations (AM1 for structure, ZINDO for electronic transition energies) prove to be a suitable tool for the prediction of absorption and fluorescence properties of these compounds. The crystal structures have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Organic electroluminascent device with N,N’-bis-(1-naphthyl)-N,N’-diphenyl —2,6-diaminopyridine(NPP)as the emitting layer was fabricated. The structure of Pd(CSAAP)2 (CSAAP = N-camphorsulfonyl-2, 6-diaminopyridine) was stabilized by the intramolecular hydrogen bonds, These hydrogen bonds not only overcome the repulsion effect between the bulky groups, but also distorted the core PdN4 geometry from square planar. Reaction of PdCl2 with R-(+)- or S-(-)-6-bromo-2-phenylethylaminopyridine (R-Bpeap or S-Bpeap) afforded the complex PdCl2 (R-Bpeap) 2 or PdCl2 (S-Bpeap) 2, Both of them show a pair of nonlinear N─H…Pd(II) interactions. Reaction of PtCl2 with Hmp (Hmp = 4-Hydroxy-2-mercaptopteridine) afforded the unique platinum-pteridine complex Pt2Cl4(Hmp)2, in which the Hmp ligand bridges the metal centers through the pyrazine ring nitrogen atom and the sulfur atom in a neutral form. This bonding mode is in marked contrast to the usual O4, N5-chelation mode of the pteridine units found in all the other reported complexes.
 2.1 操作程序
 2.2 試劑
 2.3 儀器與設備
 2.4 實驗步驟與光譜數據
 2.5 X-ray 晶體結構解析
 3.1 多芽氮配位基之結構與光譜特性研究
 3.2 多芽氮配位基之金屬化合物之結構與光譜特性研究
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