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研究生(外文):LIN, JUI-YU
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships Study Among The Professional Background of Hi-tech. Product Development Project Leader , Product Development Strategy and Management System - An Empirical Study on Information & Electronics Industries
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Lung- Far
外文關鍵詞:Professional Background of Project LeaderProduct Development StrategyManagement SystemSequential EngineeringConcurrent EngineeringProduct Developing Performance
  • 被引用被引用:7
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1. 新產品發展專案主導者的專業傾向,明顯地可以劃分為「研發導向」、「行銷導向」、「製程導向」等三種類型。
2. 新產品發展專案的產品開發策略與主導者專業傾向之間,整體而言具有顯著的配適性。並且,在此兩者相互配適的關係之下,將能夠得到較佳的新產品發展績效。
3. 新產品發展專案的產品開發策略與專案管理機制之間,整體而言具有顯著的配適性。並且,在此兩者相互配適的關係之下,部分狀況將能夠得到較佳的新產品發展績效。
4. 以實證的統計資料以及個案訪談的結論觀之,台灣的資訊電子廠商在執行新產品發展專案時,明顯地相當偏重於產品的工程研發與製程發展等技術性事務處理,而在產品的發展潮流、市場定位、行銷業務、顧客關係與後續服務上,則較少投入足夠的資源與關切。此現象應該與台灣廠商的自創品牌之品牌強度往往較弱,且許多產品為OEM、ODM的現況,有交互影響的關係。但是,今日的產業競爭態勢早已經是需要去打「世界級」戰爭的時代,因此,台灣廠商若僅以研發或製造上部分的優勢,來因應此一局勢,而對於產品的「市場行銷」相關事務,依然採取淡漠的態度,恐怕對未來市場地位的提昇以及長期的生存發展有相當不利的影響。
In the recently years, due to both of push and attraction of the following factors: continuously booming of economy, liberalization of industry and politics, and emigration of tradition industry, the industry is keeping raising the investment on research and development. Especially in the electro-indutry, resulting from higher technology, shorter product life-time, and harder market competition, the most of electro-suppliers is eager to input more and more energy and resources into new product development.
Based on the relative researches of product developing performance, we observe that most of researches are constructed on the foundation of aspects of technology, organization, human resource, product development strategy or interface of the mutual interaction. Inside the part of researches to how project leader affect the success of teamwork, we found that more studies on the leadership or personal characteristics, but few of them based on profession skills as starting points. Therefore, most of the research is hard to explain why Taiwan industry still likes to fulfill management by skill-oriented. The research on how important of profession skills in a project leader will get more value on not only the robustness of product development knowledge system but also in the real operation.
Beside the above, the strategy difference of new products results from the characteristics of engineering technologies and marketing, and also the structure and system of team works will have huge and critical relationship with product developing performance. My study will involved these two important factors inside the researches and discuss more about the suitability and relationship between profession in project leadership, product development strategy, project management, and product developing performance.
Owing to some uncertain factors in the exploration of the research, two stages will be used. The first is the prearranged case interviews, the second is the questionnaires study. Through study of some referential papers, real industry cases, and statistical analysis of the questionnaires, research summaries are concluded as:
1. Obviously, the profession inclination of new product development project leaders can be identified as R&D-oriented, marketing-oriented and process-oriented.
2. Generally, It’s good to couple the profession inclination and the project strategy in a new product development. Under some circumstances, maintaining their good correlation may get better performance and efficiency.
3. For the same reason, It’s also good to join the product development strategy and the project management in a new product development. And keeping good correlation may get better performance and efficiency.
4. In summary of the statistical data and interviews of real cases, we get knowledge how Information and Electronics manufacturers in Taiwan perform new product development. They always put much energy to concentrate on technical issues and process development, but really go short of investing part of the enterprise resources on new product trend, marketing investigation, sales promotion, and improvement customer relationships and continuing services. It’s clear view of the less strength of self-owned brand in Taiwan manufacturing and the more OEM or ODM products in the reality. Now, the era of world —class industry competition is coming. If Taiwan manufacturers still only depend on the advantages of superior position in R&D and neglect something else important such as marketing and some concerning affairs, then in the near future, they have to face some worse effects on market promotion and long-term development.
Keywords:Professional Background of Project Leader, Product Development Strategy, Management System, Sequential Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Product Developing Performance
目 錄
第一章緒論 ………………………………………………1
第一節研究背景與動機 …………………………………..1
第二節研究目的 …………………………………………..3
第三節研究範圍 …………………………………………..4
第四節研究限制 …………………………………………..5
第二章文獻探討 …………………………………………7
第一節專案主導者屬性的探討 …………………………..7
第二節產品開發策略的探討 …………………………….11
第三節專案管理機制的探討 ……………………………..17
第四節新產品發展績效的探討 …………………………..25
第三章研究方法 …………………………………………32
第一節研究架構 …………………………………………..32
第二節變數定義與衡量 …………………………………..33
第三節研究假設 …………………………………………..34
第四節研究對象與問卷回收 ……………………………..39
第五節資料分析方法 ……………………………………..40
第二節理論與實務涵意. …………………….……………75
第三節資料分析限制………. ……………….……………77
附 錄
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