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研究生(外文):Chin-Hung Kung
論文名稱(外文):Study on the efficiency of data transfer under ATM Security protocol
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Huu ChangYen-Wen Chen
外文關鍵詞:ATMRandom Cell Loss RatioBurst Cell Loss RatioSMEP
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非同步傳輸模式(Asynchronous Transfer Model,ATM)技術已被視為下一代網際網路骨幹之基礎。而網際網路之發展除需提供寬頻及服務品質保證外,對於安全技術也需加以提升,才能符合未來寬頻網路服務之需求。因此ATM必須有能力提供快速可測量且適合不同應用的安全服務。

Asynchronous Transfer Model (ATM) has been considered the infrastructure of Internet backbone in the next generation. By developing of Internet, besides providing wide-band and quality guaranty, we also need to rise the security technique to meet what we want in wide-band network in the future. ATM will provide scalable and high performance application-independent security services. ATM Forum has reported the specification of the security protocol Version 1.0 which define a number of security services for the ATM user plane and control plane. In addition, mechanisms for carrying security-related messages and required security infrastructure mechanisms are also being defined. Then the security messaging mechanisms at connection establishment and during connection lifetime phase are discussed. This paper discussed the influence of data transfer efficiency about using security message exchange protocol (SMEP) during quickly ATM connection. We simulate individually the Random Cell Loss Ratio and Burst Cell Loss Ratio may result in the synchronous in receiving/delivering key. This further makes mistakes during the process of data decrypting. This experiment shows that the Burst Cell Loss Ratio will make hundreds times mistakes during the process of data decrypting than the Random Cell Loss Ratio. This experiment could provide the suggestion in planning. ATM Internet service.

表目錄…………………………………………………………………… Ⅷ
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………….....1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………….... 3
2.1 ATM通訊協定模型…………………………………………….............3
2.2 近代密碼學技術……………………………………………… ............4
2.3 適用在底層的安全協定……………………………………….............5
2.4 使用者資料傳輸的安全層…………………………………….............9
2.5 ATM安全服務設計…………………………………………...............15
第三章 ATM的安全服務………………………..……………………….17
3.1 使用者面的安全服務………………………..........………………….17
3.2 安全代理者架構…………………………………..........…………….21
3.3 控制面安全服務………………………………………..........……….23
第四章 安全訊息交換協定與架構……………………………………...25
4.1 初始認證、金匙交換和安全服務選擇的協商.........………………..25
4.2 在使用者面和控制面傳送安全訊息………………..........………….31
4.3 安全資訊單元交換………………………………………..........…….37
4.4 金匙交換和會議金匙更新…..........………………………………….38
第五章 計數模式和加密器同步的方法…….…………………………..45
5.1 ATM改良加密模式………………………...........……………………45
5.2 計數模式………………………………………….........……………..51
5.3 計數模式同步問題與模擬分析……………………….........………..54
第六章 電腦模擬結果與分析…...………………………………………65
6.1 AAL3/4和AAL5的突發遺失模擬結果分析…............……………….68
6.2 AAL3/4和AAL5在高斯分佈和指數分佈突發遺失的模擬….............72
6.3 降低突發性連續細胞遺失的方法…………………………….......…78
第七章 結論….………………………………………………………..…80

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