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研究生(外文):Tai-Yung Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design of active filters employing the DO-CCII(s) and the Unity-gain Cell(s)
指導教授(外文):Chun-Ming Chang
外文關鍵詞:Active filtersCurrent conveyorsCurrent-mode circuitsVoltqge followersCurrent followers
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本論文將以雙輸出端第二代電流傳輸器─DO-CCII及單增益元件─Unity-gain Cell (含電流追隨器─Current Follower,簡稱CF,及電壓追隨器─Voltage Follower,簡稱VF )為主動元件,針對先前學者所發表之濾波電路提出五個改進電路。茲將五個電路的優點簡述如下:
In this thesis, we apply the Nullator-norator approach to propose five novel biquad filter circuits by employing active current-mode elements such as CCII(s), DO-CCII(s) and Unity-gain Cell(s).
1. Novel universal current-mode filters with single input and three outputs employing three DO-CCII’s
The new universal current-mode filters with a single input and three outputs employing three dual-output second-generation current conveyors (DO-CCII’s), three grounded resistor, two grounded capacitors are presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, no requirements for critical component matching conditions in realizing the low-pass and band-pass filter responses, use of only two grounded capacitors ideal for integration, use of three grounded resistors good for magnitude adjustment, orthogonal control for ωo/Q and ωo through separate grounded resistors, high output impedance and low active and passive sensitivities.
2. Novel universal current-mode filters with single input and three outputs employing three DO-CCII’s
The new universal current-mode filters with a single input and three outputs employing three dual-output second-generation current conveyors (DO-CCII’s), two grounded capacitors, one grounded and one virtually grounded resistor are presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, simultaneous realization of low-pass, band-pass and notch fliter responses from the high impedance terminal, no requirements for critical component matching conditions in realizing the low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, notch and all-pass filter responses, use of only two grounded capacitors ideal for integration, high output impedance and low active and passive sensitivities.
3. Novel universal active current-mode filter with three inputs and single output employing three (CCII)s.
The new universal current-mode filters with a single input and three outputs employing two (CCIIs), one dual output second-generation current conveyor(DO-CCII), two grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors are presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, no requirements for critical component matching conditions in realizing the low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, notch and all-pass filter responses, use of only two grounded capacitors and two grounded resistor ideal for integration, two grounded resistors attractive for adjustment, high output impedance and low active and passive sensitivities.
4. Novel universal current-mode filters with single input and three outputs employing five Unity-gain cells
The new universal current-mode filters with a single input and three outputs employing three dual-output unity gain current followers (CFs), two unity gain voltage buffers (VFs), two grounded capacitors and two virtually grounded resistors are presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, use of only two grounded capacitors ideal for integration, high output impedance and low active and passive sensitivities.
5. Novel universal current-mode filters with three inputs and one output employing five Unity-gain cells
The new universal current-mode filters with three inputs and one output employing three current followers (CF), two voltage buffers (VFs), two grounded capacitors and three virtually grounded resistors are presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, no requirements for critical component matching conditions in realizing the low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, notch and all-pass filter responses, use of only two grounded capacitors ideal for integration, high output impedance and low active and passive sensitivities.
All the above proposed circuits have the simpler configuration than those proposed before. We use PSPICE and Matlab softwares to verify our result. Simulation agree well with theory.
第一章 緒論...................................................1-1
第二章 電流式主動元件的介紹...................................2-1
2-1 等效NULLOR模型...................................2-1
2-2 第二代電流傳輸器(second generation Current Conveyor, CCII)............................................2-4
2-2-1第二代電流傳輸器(second generation Current Conveyor, CCII).............................2-4
2-2-2雙輸出端第二代電流傳輸器(dual output second generation Current Conveyor, DO-CCII).......2-8
2-3 單增益元件(Unity-Gain Cell)-電壓追隨器(Voltage Follower, VF)和電流追隨器(Current Follower, CF).......... 2-13
第三章 以雙輸出端第二代電流傳輸器(dual output second generation Current Conveyor, DO-CCII)為主動元件設計SIMO濾波電路..3-1
3-1 先前學者設計之電路................................3-1
3-2 本文提出之新電路之一..............................3-4
3-3 靈敏度分析及模擬結果..............................3-7
3-4 本文提出之新電路之二.............................3-15
3-5 靈敏度分析及模擬結果.............................3-17
第四章 以雙輸出端第二代電流傳輸器(dual output second generation Current Conveyor, DO-CCII)為主動元件設計MISO濾波電路..4-1
4-1 先前學者設計之電路................................4-1
4-2 本文提出之新電路.....................................4-2
4-3 靈敏度分析及模擬結果..............................4-4
第五章 以單增益元件(Unity-gain Cell )為主動元件設計SIMO濾波電路5-1
5-1 先前學者設計之電路................................5-1
5-2 本文提出之新電路..................................5-2
5-3 靈敏度分析及模擬結果..............................5-6
第六章 以單增益元件(Unity-gain Cell )為主動元件設計MISO濾波電路6-1
6-1 先前學者設計之電路................................6-1
6-2 本文提出之新電路..................................6-2
6-3 靈敏度分析及模擬結果..............................6-5
第七章 結論與展望.............................................7-1
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