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研究生(外文):Shih-Chi Chao
論文名稱(外文):Sensitivity analysis of a nonlinear optical beam deflector
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Sheng HuangRong-Fong Fung
外文關鍵詞:Optical beam deflectorBimorphOptimal designFinite element methodSensitivity analysis
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摘 要
This paper studies the linear and nonlinear dynamic behavior of the optical beam deflector, which is composed of two piezoelectric layers and one sandwiched brass layer with both ends clamped. The nonlinear equation describing the dynamic behavior is derived by Hamilton''s principle. An equivalent configuration of the optical beam deflector with external moments is obtained to analyze the effect of the applied voltage and split electrodes. The finite element method is employed to compare the dynamic responses with a uniform beam and to validate the theoretic analysis. The nonlinear optimization problems with respect to the electrode length ratio and thickness ratio are solved for the maximum deviation angle. The sensitivity of the second mode eigenvalue with respect to the length ratio of the mirror part to total length is performed. A simplified method for the dynamic response, optimal design and sensitivity analysis of the nonlinear system is proposed to save the computation time and avoid the complicated mathematics.
摘 要...................................................................I
誌 謝..................................................................III
Figure Caption......................................................IX
Table Caption.........................................................X
1. Introduction.........................................................1
2. Dynamic Model Development............................3
2-1 Physical Model...............................................3
2-2 Equations of Motion ......................................3
2-2-1 Nonlinear Equations of Motion................3
2-2-1-1 Independent variables , and D...........4
2-2-1-2 Independent variables , and. .............8
2-2-1-3 Compare the two results....................9
2-2-2 Uniform Beam of Motion.......................10
3. Finite Element Formulation...............................12
4. Optimal Design.................................................15
5. Sensitivity Analysis...........................................17
5-1 Design Sensitivity.........................................17
5-2 Eigenvalue Sensitivity...................................18
6. Numerical Results.............................................20
6-1 Optimal Design.............................................20
6-2 Design Sensitivity Analysis...........................21
6-3 Eigenvalue Sensitivity....................................23
7. Conclusion.........................................................23
簡 歷....................................................................36
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