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論文名稱(外文):Fault Diagnosis of Vibrational Signature for Ball Bearing
指導教授(外文):Yuan Kang
外文關鍵詞:vibrational signaturefault diagnosisball bearingsignature characteristicexpert system
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The vibrational signature in the process of machine operating is the important signature of the fault diagnosis. It will respond to the condition of the machine operating. Even the most accurate machine will vibrate when operating. The addition of vibration was brought by faulty.
Ball bearings are the important element in the rotatory machine. It can decrease the friction, hold rotatory elements, and aid get load. Rotating machines should be kept in good condition, during operation in high speed. When the elements of the machine failed, vibrations and damages are resulted. Hence, the distinguishing of abnormal signature are need before the failure happens.
In this study, we used the analytical method of the time domain method, frequency domain method, and model testing, to research the differences of the signature between normal and defective bearings. Find the characteristics of the signature of defective bearings, and establish the expert diagnosis system. To diagnose the bearings, we discovered the characteristics of the signature from time domain and frequency domain, and used the degree of certainty to express the degree of actuality of signal characteristic and conclusion.
第一章 導論………………………………………………………...1
第二章 信號採樣與信號分析方法………………………………..4
2.1 信號採樣…………………………………………………..4
2.2 時域分析…………………………………………………..5
2.3 頻域分析…………………………………………………..6
2.4 模態測試…………………………………………………..7
第三章 滾珠軸承損傷振動之分析………………………………..9
3.1 軸承各元件損傷之特徵頻率……………………………..9
3.2 軸承損傷振動信號中的幅值調變現象…………………..10
第四章 故障實例…………………………………………………..12
4.1 模態測試…………………………………………………..12
4.2 正常軸承之實驗分析……………………………………..12
4.3 軸承外環滾道表面點缺陷………………………………..13
4.4 軸承內環滾道表面點缺陷………………………………..14
4.5 軸承滾珠表面點缺陷……………………………………..15
第五章 專家系統…………………………………………………..17
5.1 專家系統之設計…………………………………………..17
5.2 建立診斷專家系統………………………………………..18
5.3 知識表示…………………………………………………..18
5.4 推理工具…………………………………………………..19
5.5 不確定推理………………………………………………..19
5.6 使用者界面………………………………………………..21
第六章 軸承損傷專家診斷系統實例……………………………..22
6.1 專家系統之建模軟體……………………………………..22
6.2 建立知識庫………………………………………………..22
6.3 軸承損傷專家診斷系統之診斷流程……………………...27
6.4 軸承診斷實例分析………………………………………..30
第七章 結論………………………………………………………..33
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