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論文名稱(外文):Failure Analysis of Turbine Blades
外文關鍵詞:Turbo-GeneratorTurbine BladesRandom LoadingResidual LifeYeh-Stratton CriterionHalf-Cycle Theory
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本論文係針對電廠渦輪機在等負載(Constant Loading )或隨機負載(Random Loading )運轉時,葉片根部產生疲勞裂縫,而導致破壞,常常造成重大災害發生,因此如何預測渦輪機葉片的殘餘壽命及延長其使用壽命為本論文的目的。

The content of the thesis is focusing on the operation of a turbo-generator under Constant Loading or Random Loading. Under these loading, the roots of the blades are always suffering fatigue cracks and will lead to severe damage for the whole engines. Hence, how to predict the residual life of the turbo-generator blades and prolong the working process has become the purpose of our thesis.
In the thesis, the author refers to the criterion of Yeh-Stratton criterion and Half-cycle theory and use ANSYS software to simulate and analyze the model of rotating blades:
(1) Using finite element model to analyze the distribution of the stress and deformation in the turbine blades under constant loading or random loading by referring to the data from papers last year.
(2) Comparing Yeh-Stratton criterion, Half-cycle theory, and results from conventional fracture mechanics to try to acquire the difference and adaptability.
(3) Providing better prediction and prolonging material life for materials as the reference of engineering analysis.
By means of the results of the analysis, we can get the following conclusions:
(1) The comparison between the prediction for the fatigue of Yeh-Stratton criterion and experiment is relatively small. And the results from the Half-cycle theory under random loading are even more decent than those from convention fracture mechanics. Therefore, previous two methods we concerned are suitable for the prediction of residual life of the turbine blades and simpler than conventional fracture mechanics.
(2) The life of materials with high strength and toughness (ex. Composite material)is longer than others, which results from the ability to resist crack growing. This will be referred to the engineers’ to select the materials of turbine blades.
(3) The angle of the crack grows horizontally easily, i.e. the horizontal crack makes the large damage to the blades. Hence, when these kinds of crack happen, the processors in the power plant should keep highly alert.

1-1 前言
1-2 低應力破壞發生的原因
1-3 文獻回顧
1-4 研究動機與目的
2-1 熱系統
2-1-2熱傳導(Heat Conduction)
2-1-3熱對流(Heat Convection)
2-1-4熱輻射(Heat Radiation)
2-2 熱應力
3-1 材料破壞模式
3-2 解析法
3-3 有限元素法
3-4 疲勞分析—半週期理論
3-5 複合材裂縫應力分析料
3-6 裂縫尖端應力場
3-7 裂縫尖端應力場之角度
3-8 纖維方向角
3-9 裂縫角
3-10 破壞角
3-11 特徵方程式
3-12 裂縫長度
3-13 從裂縫尖端到起始破壞點的距離
3-14 疲勞裂縫的延伸
3-15 同質性參數
3-16 葉-史損壞準則
第四章 有限元素之電腦輔助分析軟體
4-1 使用軟體
4-2 選用元素
4-3 電腦輔助分析
第五章 結果與討論

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