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研究生(外文):Hsu Kao-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Functional Surface Modification of Polyester and Nylon-6 Fabrics Initiated by Antenna-coupling Microwave Plasma
指導教授(外文):Liao Jiunn-Der
外文關鍵詞:polyethylene terephthalatenylon-6microwave plasmahydrophilicbioactivity
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本研究針對一般合成纖維產物的聚酯纖維和聚醯胺纖維為基材,進行製程表面改質;利用陣列天線式氧氣微波電漿做纖維的表面活化前處理,然後將具有功能基團的單體,如丙烯酸、甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯單體以接枝共聚合反應在基材表面上。本實驗主要有兩種應用:(一)評估改質後織物之含水率、回潮率與潤濕速率的性能應用;(二)將蛋白質固定於接枝聚合丙烯酸或甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯單體之織物表面,然後以化學分析光電子能譜儀、傅立葉全反射紅外光譜儀進行表面分析。實驗結果顯示:檢測各紡織製程中,各流程處理步驟以後加工之後再進行表面活化,得到親水化處理的適合性效果最佳;控制之丙烯酸單體接枝量在148.36 ± 6.19 μg‧cm-2,而甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯單體接枝量在313.33 ± 41.97μg‧cm-2之間。聚酯纖維和聚醯胺纖維吸水率分別提升約為57%及170%,而回潮率分別增加約為50%及55%,藉由表面化學結構得到羧基(O=C-OH)或羥基(-OH)團導入,達到表面親水改善結果。繼之,以1-乙基-3,3-二甲氨基亞二碳活化羧基或羥基,媒介膠原蛋白(-NH2)或肝素(O=C-N)共價鍵結於接枝聚合丙烯酸與甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯單體的基材表面,固定後之結果以表面化學分析方法得到胺基團鍵結於表面;其定量分析分別以Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250法與Toluidine Blue法量測:在丙烯酸及甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯單體的接枝量分別為148.36 ± 6.19 μg‧cm-2或313.33 ± 41.97μg‧cm-2下,膠原蛋白固定量約為26 ~ 34μg‧cm-2,而肝素依不同pH值緩衝溶液環境固定量約在0.319 ~ 0.402 IU之間;其初步表面生物活性測試,利用對人體血液的親和性或抗凝血性,具有良好的蛋白質特性之對應效果。

This research utilizes polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and nylon-6, commonly fabricated fabric products, as the substrates for proceeding surface modification. Antenna-coupling microwave O2 plasma is applied to induce surface activation and subsequently to graft copolymerization with functional groups, like acrylic acid (AAc) and 2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (HEMA) in this study. Two main applications are performed: The first application evaluates the capability of water absorbency, moisture regains and wicking rate on the modified textiles; The second application immobilizes proteins on the pAAc- or pHEMA-grafted textile surfaces. Surface analyses are done using Fourier-transformed Infra-red equipped with Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Experimental result included surveying procedures for the textiles has provided that surface activation and hydrophilic treatment are much suitable for the finished textiles. For the controlled amount of 148.4±6.2 mg.cm-2 AAc and 313.3±42.0 mg.cm-2 HEMA, water absorbency increases up to ca. 57% for PET and ca. 170% for nylon-6, while moisture regain increases up to ca. 50% for PET and ca. 55% for nylon-6. These improvements result from the inclusion of O=C-OH or —OH group on the fabric surfaces, which are interpreted by FTIR-ATR and XPS measurements. Subsequently, the pAAc- or pHEMA-grafted surfaces are covalently bonded to collagen (-NH2) or heparin (O=C-NH) by the addition of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide to activate O=C-OH or —OH group. Analytical result has demonstrated the presence of amide groups; their immobilized quantities are estimated using Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 and Toluidine Blue method, respectively. For pAAc or pHEMA amount of 148.36 ± 6.19 mg.cm-2 or 313.33 ± 41.97 mg.cm-2, the collagen-bonded quantity is estimated ca. 26~34 mg.cm-2 and the heparin-bonded quantity is varied from 0.319 to 0.402 IU, depending upon the buffered pH environments. Initial bioactivity tests support their characteristic properties of affinity or thrombination to human blood.
Keywords: Polyethylene Terephthalate, Nylon-6, Microwave Plasma, Hydrophilic, and Bioactivity.

目 錄
摘要……………….…..…….…….….……………...….…..……….I 第一章 序論 …………….…….…………………….….…………….…1
1-1 前言 ……………….……….…………………..….……….………1
1-2 文獻回顧 ………….……….………………….….…………………2
1-3 研究動機與目的 …………….………………….……………….….3
第二章 基礎理論………………….………………...….……………….5
2-1聚酯與聚醯胺特性 ……..….……….…….………………………..5
2-1-1聚酯纖維 …………….…….………….......….……………..5
2-1-2 聚醯胺纖維…………….………….…….…..…….…………….5
2-2 成品製程簡介 …………………..……………..……………………6
2-2-1 上漿與退漿.……………..…..……..……….………………….6
2-2-2 染整 ……………………………...…………..………………….7
2-3 合成纖維親水化………………….……..…………………………..8
2-3-1 親水化理論………………….…….…………..….……………..8
2-3-2 親水化方法 ………………….…………….…….…………….8
2-4 電漿化學 …………………………..………….…..….…………..9
2-4-1 電漿 ……………………….………..……..…..….…………..9
2-4-2 低溫電漿表面改技術……….…………………...….………….11
2-5 高分子材料生醫相容性………………..……….………….………13
2-5-1 組織相容性…………………………………….....…………….13
2-5-2 血液相容性……………………..…….………...………………14
2-6-2 肝素…………………….…………..…………..……………….17
2-6-3 蛋白質固定化理論基礎………….……..……..……………….18
第三章 實驗儀器與藥品……………..…..………….…………………20
3-1 實驗藥品……………………………..………….…………….……20
3-2 實驗儀器………………...…….…………….……………….…..22
3-3 實驗流程………………………………….……………..………….27
3-4 實驗方法………………………………………….…….…………..28
第四章 吸濕排水氣功能之結果與討論…………….……….….……..34
4-1 過氧化物濃度測量………………………………………..………..34
4-2 接枝量測量………………………………………………..………..36
4-3 FTIR-ATR量測…………………….………………………..……….37
4-3-2 聚醯胺纖維接枝丙烯酸及甲基丙烯酸羥乙酯……..…...….…39
4-4 ECSA分析……………………...…………………………..……….41
4-4-1 ESCA全掃描分析……………………………………..…....…..41
4-4-2 ESCA區段掃描C1s分析………………………………......…….42
4-4-3 ESCA區段掃描O1s分析………………………………......…….46
4-4-4 ESCA區段掃描N1s分析…………………………….…......……49
4-5 SEM表面形態觀察…....…………………….……………...…...50
4-6 織物流程中各步驟試片之表面性質定………………….……..….52
4-7 染色率分析………………………………………………...…….…54
4-7-1 接枝後染色………………………………………..…...……….54
4-7-2 染色後接枝………..………………………..….………….…..55
4-8 吸水率及水份乾燥速率之功能性效果………………….…….…..56
4-8-1 未流程處理纖維之含水率及水份乾燥速率…………...….…..56
4-8-2 成品織物接枝處理之含水率及水份乾燥速率….……..….…..58
5-1 膠原蛋白固定…………………………………………….………...61
5-1-1 接枝單體後固定膠原蛋白之FTIR-ATR分析……….…...…..61
5-1-2 ESCA全掃描掃描分析………………………….……..……….63
5-1-3 ESCA區域掃描C1s分析…………….…...………………….…63
5-1-4 ESCA區域掃描O1s分析…………….……...……………….…67
5-1-5 ESCA區域掃描N1s分析…………….…………...………….…69
5-2 肝素固定……………………………………….……….…..………70
5-2-2 ESCA全掃描掃描分析………..…………………..….…….…72
5-2-3 ESCA區域掃描C1s分析………………………...….…..….…..73
5-2-4 ESCA區域掃描O1s分析………………….……..….…...……..76
5-2-5 ESCA區域掃描N1s分析……….…………….....…...…………80
5-2-6 ICP-AES量測…………..……….…………………..…..………82

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附錄 1
SpecimennameFibrinogenConc.(mg/dl)APTT(sec)TT(sec)Ratio ofplatelet Adhesion(%)
Immobilized- collagen22.8±2.636.4±1.011.3±0.318.7±4.3
Mean ±S.E.M.,N=6

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