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研究生(外文):Iuon-Chang Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Internet Service Security
指導教授(外文):Min-Shiang Hwang
外文關鍵詞:CryptographyElectronic auctionElecronic commerceElectronic paymentInternet securityMicro-paymentSmart cardUser authentication
  • 被引用被引用:5
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由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,許多商業活動都希望利用網路的便利性,來吸引更多的消費者參與。近來,許多新型態的網路服務,如雨後春筍般被提出,例如:使用者認證、電子付款、電子競標、電子投票等。然而,訊息在公開的網路上傳送可以輕易地被竊取及竄改,因此,這些新型態的網路服務面臨了許多安全上的問題,例如:系統遭入侵、冒名交易、偽造交易訊息等。一般來說,各種透過網路來提供的服務都需要滿足機密性(confidentiality)、確認性(authentication)、完整性(integrity)及不可否認性(non-repudiation)等基本的安全需求。除了這些安全需求外,不同的網路服務有著不同的需求,因此,要設計出符合安全的網路服務協定,適當的保護措施是必須的。本研究,首先針對使用者驗證(user authentication)、電子付款(electronic payment)、及電子議約(electronic auction)等網路服務技術,對其特性及安全需求做一探討,並做相關的文獻探討及分析。本論文將以使用者驗證機制、小額付款系統、及電子議約為主要的研究主題,期望利用資訊安全技術及密碼學方法來設計出安全實用的機制。第一個研究主題-使用者認證機制。傳統的使用者驗證機制允許一提供服務的伺服器去驗證遠端登入者的身份的合法性,然而,這種方法卻不適用於多伺服器的網路架構中。因此,我們提出一個適用於多個伺服器架構的使用者認證機制,配合智慧卡的使用,使用者可自由的選擇登入密碼,而且,只需記憶一組密碼便可登入不同的伺服器。此外,系統不需要建立任何的密碼驗證表(verification table),並可以抵抗重送(replay)及竄改(modification)等安全攻擊,對於使用者的使用權限亦可做有效的管理。第二個研究主題-小額付款系統。我們提出了一個後付的小額付款機制,有別以往此類型的小額付款機制,商家可以與銀行間以離線的方式來驗證付款訊息。此外,此協定亦可有效防止重複花費及確保交易訊息的完整性。本研究,除了使用訊息驗證碼(MAC)來確保資料的安全性外,並沒有其他複雜的數學運算,因此,相當符合小額付款的成本效益。第三個研究主題-電子議約系統。我們將改良Subramanian所提的電子議約系統,藉由時戳(timestamp)觀念的導入,以防止招標商獲取競標者的敏感資訊及解決同標價狀況的發生。
Today, the Internet is used to a wide range in business. electronic commerce is not a futuristic dream. There are everal success applications to provide services over the Internet, uch as user authentication, electronic payments, electronic Auction, and electronic voting, etc. However, the Internet services are still not mature for the security reason. Since digital data can be intercepted and altered easily in open network, it requires some protections to ensure the information security. In generally, these Internet services have to satisfy the following security requirements: confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation. Except the four security requirements, different Internet services have ifferent
requirements. In this study, we first discuss the haracteristics
and requirements for the three Internet services: user authentication, electronic payment, and electronic auction services. Then, we survey the related works for the three
different Internet services. Furthermore, We anticipate using information security techniques and cryptography to propose some secure and efficient methods in the three subjects.
For the first subject -- user authentication. Conventional user authentication schemes allow a server to authenticate the legitimacy of a remote login user. However, these schemes are not suitable for multi-server architecture environment. In this study, we propose a remote password authentication scheme for multi-servers architecture using smart card. In this scheme, users can freely choose their password and can not remember
different login password for various servers. Besides, the proposed scheme can withstand the replay attacks. Furthermore, the systems need not to maintain any verification table and can delete a legal user from the system easily. For the second subject -- micro-payments. We proposed a post-paid micro-payment scheme. Different with other post-paid micro-payments
schemes, the merchant can verify the payment message off-line.
Furthermore, the scheme can prevent of duplicate spending and
protect the integrity of transaction message. Except the message
authenticate code (MAC) technique, the scheme does not require any complexity computations. Therefore, the micro-payment scheme is easy to implement. For the third subject electronic auction. We add a timestamp to improve the robustness of Subramanian''s electronic auction scheme. The proposed scheme can prevent the sensitive information from being revealed by the auction house, and solve the resolution of two or more bidders offering the same price.
1 Introduction 1
2 Internet Service and Its Requirements 7
3 Literature Review 13
4 User Authentication 24
5 Micro-payment Ststem 45
6 Electronic Auction System 63
7 Conclusions and Future Works 71
Bibiography 77
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