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研究生(外文):Ching-Chan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Biplor Transistors by Inductively Couple Plasma
指導教授(外文):Jiang-Shing Shue
外文關鍵詞:AlGaAs/GaAsHeterojunction Biplor TransistorsInductively Couple Plasma (ICP)
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經過HP4156A的量測後,發現過大的ICP電漿源功率、RF功率及DC偏壓都會對元件造成損害,導致元件電性的衰退。而壓力維持在10mTorr以下及選用氬氣作為反應氣體,可得到較佳的元件電性。ICP處理條件為:以流量為20 sccm 的Ar作為反應氣體、 ICP 電漿源功率為300W、 RF power為30W、壓力為5mTorr、DC 偏壓是75V及20秒的過度蝕刻時間,有助於元件電性的提升。
AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Biplor Transistors (HBTs) of III-V compound semiconductor that is high velocity and high current gain. In dry etching technologies , ICP (Inductively Couple Plasma) system has the valance of development in technology. But in the process of etching, the ions bombardment wafer surface , cause damages form in devices and effect devices'' reliability.
In this work , we use ICP system to etch AlGaAs/GaAs HBTs, and measure the electric properties by HP4156A . We change the parameters of ICP source power、RF power、DC bias、Operate pressure in process、reactive gases and Overetching time to find the effects when plasma etch the devices.
After measurement by HP4156A , we find that larger ICP source power、RF power and DC bias cause damage in devices , make current gain and breakdown voltage of devices decrease. When the operate pressure down to 10 mTorr and use Ar gas to be reactive gas , then we got better current gain and breakdown voltage of devices. 20 Ar sccm , 300W ICP source power , 30W RF power , 5 mTorr , DC bias is 75V , 20 seconds over etching of device 10 treatment condition will get higher current gain and breakdown voltage than device 0.
目 錄
中文摘要 ................................................................................................. I
英文摘要 ............................................................................................... II
目 錄 ................................................................................................... III
圖目錄 ................................................................................................ VI
表目錄 ...............................................................................................VIII
第一章 緒論 ..............................................................................................1
第二章 感應式耦合電漿系統之原理 ...................................................3
2-1 乾式蝕刻 ...........................................................................................3
2-2 電漿源在半導體製程上的應用 ....................................................4
2-3 各式電漿蝕刻設備之原理與其優缺點 .......................................6
2-3-1 活性離子蝕刻(RIE) ...................................................................7
2-3-2 高密度電漿蝕刻系統(High Density Plasma,HDP................9
2-3-2.1 Magnetically Confined Reactor系統(MCR) ............................12
2-3-2.2 電子迴旋共振系統(Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ............13
2-3-2.3 Helicon Wave Plasma系統(HWP) .........................................14
2-3-2.4 感應式耦合電漿(Inductively Couple Plasma,ICP)...........14
2-4 影響ICP電漿蝕刻的參數 ...............................................................20
2-4-1 反應氣體的種類 ..........................................................................20
2-4-2 製程操作壓力的影響 .................................................................21
第三章 元件製程與實驗方法 ..............................................................23
3-1 元件製程 ............................................................................................23
3-1-1 製程及儀器 .................................................................................23
3-1-2 處理條件 ......................................................................................25
3-2 實驗儀器及方法 ............................................................................28
3-2-1 集極電流(Ic)與基極電流(IB)的量測 .......................................28
3-2-2 電流增益的量測 .........................................................................29
3-2-3 崩潰電壓的量測 .........................................................................29
第四章 結果與討論 .............................................................................34
4-1 RF power 的影響 ..............................................................................34
4-1-1 RF power 對電流增益的影響 ...................................................34
4-1-2 RF power對崩潰電壓的影響 ....................................................36
4-2 ICP source power之影響 ................................................................37
4-2-1 ICP source power對電流增益值之影響 ...................................37
4-2-2 ICP source power對崩潰電壓之影響 .......................................38
4-3 製程操作壓力的影響 ....................................................................39
4-3-1 製程操作壓力對電流增益之影響 .........................................40
4-3-2 製程操作壓力對崩潰電壓之影響 .........................................41
4-4 N2與Ar over etching time 之影響 ...................................................42
4-4-1 N2 over etching time 對電流增益及崩潰電壓之影響 .............42
4-4-2 Ar over etching time 對電流增益及崩潰電壓之影響 ..............43
4-4-3 Ar與N2的比較 .............................................................................44
第五章 結 論 ......................................................................................64
參考文獻 .................................................................................................66
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