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研究生(外文):Yu-Chi Lai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Compatibility on the Gel of the TNuS19 Rice Starch and Pectin
指導教授(外文):John T. Chien
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DSC分析TNuS19米澱粉、低甲氧基果膠(LMP)、中甲氧基果膠(IMP)、高甲氧基果膠(HMP)及其混合膠體(S-LMP, S-IMP, S-HMP)顯示,在Tg之前均出現sub-Tg及sub-Tg焓。S-HMP之sub-Tg焓比預估值降低程度較S-IMP及S-LMP者為大,由焓鬆弛原理推測HMP之側鏈與TNuS19米澱粉外端小分支之交互作用程度比其他兩者高。
TNuS19米澱粉、LMP、IMP及HMP的Tg分別為75.2℃、96.2℃、96.4℃與93.5℃。而S-LMP在原成份Tg附近均有Tg存在,這顯示TNuS19米澱粉與LMP不相容。S-IMP在原IMP之Tg消失,而在87.8℃出現新的Tg。S-HMP僅於86.2℃發現新的Tg,因此推測TNuS19米澱粉之相容程度依序為: HMP>IMP>LMP。研究進一步以DMA分析Tg證明HMP與TNuS19米澱粉之相容性。DMA分析發現S-HMP在原兩成份Tg溫度之間有新的Tg之外,另外於原HMP之Tg仍然存在,故推測是混合比例不恰當會使混合膠體中多餘HMP仍呈現原有的Tg。
相容混合膠體S-HMP之黏度及保水力顯著高於TNuS19米澱粉、S-IMP及S-LMP者,且其偽膠特性較S-LMP者低。這顯示因HMP與TNuS19米澱粉兩分子相容,而可能形成異分子交互作用,因此提高了膠體黏度與保水力。相容性分別與膠體黏度及保水力皆呈正相關。混合膠體之膠體黏度與保水力均依序為: S-HMP>S-IMP>S-LMP。

Starch and polysaccharides are commonly existed in food. Difference in structure and hydrophilicity of food components may affect their mutual compatibility. If compatible, two substances may form an interaction in an aqueous solution after mixing. On the other hand, mixing incompatible substances may lead to molecular repulsion. Thus, the compatibility between two food components had a great influence on the physical properties and the qualities of foodstuffs. Gelatinized TNuS19 rice starch and pectin with different degrees of esterification was used as a model system. The glass transition temperatures (Tg) of each components and corresponding mixing gels analyzed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) were used to evaluate the compatibility of the TNuS19 rice starch and pectin. Viscosity and water-loss percentage were used to monitor the gel strength of the TNuS19 rice starch with added pectin and relationship between compatibility and gelling properties.
Below Tg, it showed the existence of sub-Tg and sub-Tg endotherm of the TNuS19 rice starch, low methoxyl pectin (LMP), intermediate methoxyl pectin (IMP), high methoxyl pectin (HMP) and the mixing gel of TNuS19 rice starch-pectin (S-LMP, S-IMP, S-HMP), when analyzed by DSC. The sub-Tg endotherm of S-HMP was lower than the predicted value, and the endothermic decrease of S-HMP was higher than those of S-IMP and S-LMP. This implies that the degree of interaction between the side chains of HMP and the outmost branches of the TNuS19 rice starch is higher than those of S-IMP and S-LMP.
Tg of the TNuS19 rice starch, LMP, IMP and HMP were 75℃,96.2℃,96.4℃ and 93.5℃, respectively. Presence of Tg of the original components in the S-LMP showed that the TNuS19 rice starch and LMP is incompatible. The Tg of IMP was no longer appeared in the S-IMP sample, instead, a newly-generated Tg at 87.8℃ was shown. In the S-HMP, only a new Tg appeared at 86.2℃. Therefore, above evidence revealed the fact that degree of compatibility between the TNuS19 rice starch and pectin was as follows: HMP>IMP>LMP. Tg of the TNuS19 rice starch and HMP were further analyzed by DMA. In addition to the new Tg shown in the S-HMP, the Tg of HMP still existed. This may be resulted from an inappropriate mixing ratio of the TNuS19 rice starch and HMP, which leads to the presence of Tg of HMP in the S-HMP.
Both viscosity and water holding ability of the compatible mixing gel of S-HMP were significantly higher than those of the TNuS19 rice starch gel, the S-IMP gel and the S-LMP gel. And the pseudoplasticity of S-HMP was significantly lower than that of S-LMP. Above facts imply that HMP and the TNuS19 rice starch are compatible and both form intermolecular interaction, which leads to an increase of the gel viscosity. Thus, compatibility between two components was positively correlated with the gel viscosity and the water holding ability. The gel viscosity and water holding ability of the TNuS19 rice starch-pectin gel were as follows: S-HMP>S-IMP>S-LMP.

第一章 緒言…………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………3
一、 澱粉的結構及特性…………………………………………..3
二、 食品成份間之物性…………………………………………12
第三章 材料與方法………………………………………………..33
一、 實驗材料……………………………………………………33
二、 實驗方法……………………………………………………33
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………..38
一、 基本成份分析………………………………………………38
二、 示差掃描熱分析……………………………………………38
三、 動態機械分析………………………………………………46
四、 黏度分析……………………………………………………53
五、 失水率分析…………………………………………………61
第五章 結論………………………………………………………..64

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