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研究生(外文):Samuel Zheng-Pin Tien
論文名稱(外文):A Diachronic and Synchronic Study on the BEI Construction in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Mei Liu
外文關鍵詞:passive voicebeipatient subjectadversityagent
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In this thesis, passives are defined as sentences where speakers select a patient as the subject. Some misinterpretations of BEI passives which have long been taken for granted are re-examined.
First, it has been believed that the BEI construction denotes only something unfortunate or unfavorable. Secondly, those grammatical passives which do not denote adversity have been imputed to ancient translators who are said to mechanically translate passives in Indo-European languages into Mandarin BEI construction. However, these kinds of attribution, stemming from the speculation of some linguists, lack evidence to become truth.
Two main pieces of evidence are proposed to refute the imputation. A large number of BEI passives in nonadversity usage are diachronically grubbed out from ancient books as the first evidence. Also a contrast between English passives and modern Mandarin passives is made as the second one. It is proved that there had been BEI passives in nonadversity usage in Chinese long before any ancient translators could exert their influence. As a result, BEI passives do not have necessary relations with the denotation of adversity, and their nonadversity usage in modern Mandarin should not be viewed as having been affected by literal translation. Personal speculation should never be enlarged into me-tooism.
Besides, some syntactical and semantic explorations on modern BEI construction are made to cast new light.
Chapter I Introduction1
1.1 Motivation1
1.2 Literature Review5
1.3 Purpose11
1.4 Methodology11
1.5 Organization13
Chapter II Passive Voice14
2.1 Voice14
2.2 Thematic Roles17
2.2.1 Agent and Patient18
2.2.2 Agent/Patient vs. Subject/Object20
2.3 Active vs. Passive Voice22
2.3.1 Derived from Actives?23
2.3.2 Functions of Passives25
2.4 Passives in English and Japanese27
2.4.1 English Passives28
2.4.2 Japanese Passives29
2.5 Summary32
Chapter III Diachronic Study on Ancient Mandarin Passives34
3.1 Major Passive Forms in Chinese35
3.1.1 The Yu/Hu Passive37
3.1.2 The Jian Passive 39
3.1.3 The Wei Passive40
3.1.4 The BEI Passive42
3.2 Evolution of BEI45
3.3 Influenced by Translators or Not?48
3.3.1 Traditional Attribution49
3.3.2 Brief History of Chinese Translation53
3.3.3 Relations Between BEI and Translation56
3.4 Summary57
Chapter IV Synchronic Study on BEI Passives in Modern Mandarin59
4.1 Syntactic Analysis of BEI Passives60
4.1.1 The Patient Part (NP1)61
4.1.2 The BEI Part64 Grammatical Category and Functions of BEI64 The Deletion of BEI69
4.1.3 The Agent Part (NP2)72
4.1.4 The Verb Part (VP)73
4.1.5 BEI Passives in Clauses76
4.2 Semantic Analysis of BEI Passives78
4.2.1 Contrast Between Mandarin and English Passives79
4.2.2 Adversity and Nonadversity83
4.3 Summary86
Chapter V Conclusion88
References 90
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