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研究生(外文):Jing-Ping Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of adjustment time on psychophysically determined maximum acceptable weight of and physiological cost
指導教授(外文):Swei-Pi Wu
外文關鍵詞:PsychophysicsAdjustment timeManual materials handlingMaximum acceptable weight of lift
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Psychophysical has been utilized extensively to determine the maximum acceptable weight of load(MAWL)for manual materials handling(MMH)task. The underlying premise of the psychophysical approach is that the subject can integrate and combine both biomechanical and physiological stresses in their subjective evaluation of perceived stress, and to adjust the weight of a particular MMH task in short periods(15-45 min)to ‘ maximum acceptable’ values for an 1-h or 8-h work period. Previous studies have investigated the reliability and validity of the psychophysical approach, effect of adjustment time(20-45 min)on the MAWLs and physiological cost has not been studied. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to investigate the influence of adjustment time(20, 30, 40, and 50 min)on the maximum acceptable weights of lift and resulting responses(heart rate and rating of perceived exertion)of the subjects during lifting container from floor to knuckle height at various frequencies(1 lift/ min, 2 lifts/ min, 4 lifts/ min, and 6 lifts/ min)for an 8-h work day. A total of fourteen college students(6 males and 8 females)were recruited as the subjects to perform 16 different combinations of lifting tasks. The results show that the adjustment time had a significant effect on the MAWLs, and the MAWL decreased significantly as adjustment time increased. However, the effect of adjustment time on heart rate was not significant. In addition, the effect of adjustment time on the rating of perceived exertion was significant, and the most stressed body parts were the legs and back for males and females, respectively. In general, the present study shows that the MAWLs are overestimated by about 12.4 % and 8.1 % for males and females, respectively, when the adjustment time decrease from 40 min to 20 min.
第一章 導 論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究動機與目的
第三節 研究方法
第四節 研究流程
第五節 研究範圍與限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人工物料搬運問題及其解決途徑
第二節 心物法之於人工物料搬運
第三節 影響心物法抬舉能力的因素
第四節 心物法其效度的驗證與文獻探討
第五節 心物法尚待證實的疑點:關於調整時間
第三章 實驗方法與步驟
第一節 受試者徵募
第二節 實驗步驟
第三節 實驗設計
第四節 實驗儀器
第四章 男性部份的實驗結果
第一節 男性受試者身體特徵分析
第二節 最大可承受抬舉重量分析
第三節 男性受試者生理反應分析
第四節 男性受試者主觀知覺施力評量分析
第五節 男性受試者與不同學者其調整時間和重量的比較
第六節 結語
第五章 女性部份的實驗結果
第一節 女性受試者身體特徵分析
第二節 最大可承受抬舉重量分析
第三節 女性受試者生理反應分析
第四節 女性受試者主觀知覺施力評量
第五節 女性受試者與不同學者的比較
第六節 結語
第六章 國人男女兩性抬舉能力之比較
第一節 男女兩性受試者身體特徵之比較
第二節 國人男女兩性最大可承受抬舉能力之比較
第三節 男女兩性生理反應之比較
第四節 男女兩性受試者主觀知覺施力評量之比較
第五節 結語
第七章 結論與建議
第二節 建議
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