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研究生(外文):Chiu-Jung Chu
論文名稱(外文):A Fuzzy Multiobjective Decision Approach to Routing Problem with Applications to Process Planning in Manufacturing System
指導教授(外文):Junn-Yuan Teng
外文關鍵詞:Routing problemmultiobjectivefuzzy set theorymanufacturing processfuzzy dynamic programmingtriangular fuzzy numbers
  • 被引用被引用:10
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摘 要
Numerous methods are available for solving routing problem during the past three decades. In most routing models, it is assumed that parameters between pairs of nodes in the network are constant values known in advance. However, analyzing routing options for the problems, it’s important to recognize that there are multiple interested parties, each of whom may bring a different viewpoint to bear on assessing any particular solution. Obviously many of the objective achievement values are difficult to measure and are imprecise in nature. Fuzzy set theory is a very convenient mathematical device for treating imprecise.
The process selection problem in manufacturing systems can be treated as a routing problem, especially when each operation can be performed by a number of alternative machines. Each node in the manufacturing process network has to consider different decision environment, in which the relative importance among objectives are not the same, so that each node will serve as a decision node. According to the fuzzy performance values of each node, a fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix will be generated. The fuzzy weights of different objectives for each node will be obtained by use of logrithm least square method. Afterwords, combining the multiple objective fuzzy performance values and the fuzzy weights, the weighted fuzzy performance value for each arc is determined. The optimal manufacturing process will be made in accordance with the weighted fuzzy performance values. This research propose a fuzzy dynamic programming and ranking fuzzy numbers methods to find the optimal manufacturing process. The proposed method can treat the fuzzy performance value with triangular fuzzy numbers. The ranking fuzzy number method will be modified so as to consider the optimistic and pessimistic of objective performance simultaneously.
Finally, an empirical study of bicycle’s part manufacture is conducted to illustrated the proposed method. From the results of this study, the objective performance values of the optimal manufacturing process arc better than traditional manufacturing process which is decided by experience of decision maker.
目 錄
摘 要I
誌 謝III
目 錄IV
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究緣起1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究內容3
1.4 研究方法4
1.5 研究流程5
第二章 文獻回顧8
2.1 多目標路網規劃問題文獻的回顧8
2.2 多目標製程規劃問題文獻的回顧10
第三章 模糊多目標製程選擇路網決策模式21
3.1 模糊多目標製程選擇路網規劃模式22
3.2 模糊權重之求取26
3.3 模糊動態規劃30
3.4 模糊數排序35
3.5 解釋例說明38
第四章 個案研究44
4.1 個案公司簡介44
4.2 決策問題說明45
4.3 評估目標之研擬46
4.4 最適製程路網路線之選擇50
4.5 綜合討論55
第五章 結論與建議56
5.1 研究結論56
5.2 建議事項57
簡 歷63
頁 次
表2-1 多目標路網規劃問題相關文獻彙整11
表2-2 多目標製程規劃相關文獻彙整18
表3-1 模糊目標績效值40
表3-2 各製造程序歸一化模糊目標績效值40
表3-3 各製造程序總加權模糊效用42
表3-4 模糊動態規劃法求解過程(解釋例)43
表4-1 模糊目標績效值49
表4-2 總模糊目標績效值51
表4-3 模糊動態規劃法求解過程(個案分析)54
表4-4 二種製程目標績效值的綜合比較55
頁 次
圖1.1 研究流程圖7
圖3.1 左評分值與右評分值的關係36
圖3.2 製造程序圖39
圖3.3 解釋例路網加權模糊目標績效值42
圖4.1 F公司組織架構圖45
圖4.2 鋁合金鋼圈加工製造程序作業46
圖4.3 鋁合金鋼圈加工製造程序圖48
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