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研究生(外文):Yu-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Operating Conditions on Refractory Erosion of Smelting Reduction Furnace by Water Modeling
指導教授(外文):Huey-Jiuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Water ModelRefractoryBoric AcidCavitation Erosion
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This research was performed under different operating conditions with the water mold of smelt reduction vessel provided by China Steel Corporation to find out the best stirring effect of bottom blowing gas injection. In the meanwhile, the boric acid (H3BO3) disks were also chosen to simulate the erosion of refractory under different operating conditions.
During the experiments of assessment of stirring effect under gas injection in the smelt reduction water mold, we fixed the focusing point of tuyere at the center of bath surface and arranged tuyere symmetrically. The effect of bath height, number and size of tuyeres and gas flow rate on average decomposed bubble size, penetrating depth and spout height were studied. The results shown that the best stirring effect could be obtained with 4 tuyeres blowing under the same total gas flow rate. Otherwise, we could also get the best stirring effect with 7.5 mm diameter tuyere under the same gas flow rate and tuyere numbers.
Through the observation of the flow pattern and the erosion of H3BO3 disks at different positions, we found that the better the stirring effect was, the more serious the erosion was. The erosion rate of H3BO3 disks at Level B was fastest with the bath height of 420 mm and 480 mm. However, if the bath height was at 550mm, the erosion of Level C was the most serious.
目錄............................................................................................................................ Ⅳ
表目錄........................................................................................................................ Ⅴ
圖目錄........................................................................................................................ Ⅵ
1-1 研究背景.......................................................................................................1
1-2 文獻回顧.......................................................................................................5
1-3 研究目的與內容...........................................................................................8
2-1 吹射攪拌原理.............................................................................................14
2-2 水模系統相似理論.....................................................................................16
2-2-1 壓克力水模主體之設計.................................................................16
2-2-2 製程條件之相似性.........................................................................17
2-3 耐火材料沖蝕之理論................................................................................21
2-3-1 耐火材料替代物的選取.................................................................21
2-3-2 氣穴沖蝕之理論.............................................................................21
3-2-1 60﹪壓克力水模之建立.................................................................25
3-2-2 水模周邊管線系統之配置.............................................................25
3-2-3 觀察系統之建立.............................................................................25
3-2-4 量測系統之建立.............................................................................26
3-3 實驗步驟.....................................................................................................28
3-3-1 流場觀測步驟.................................................................................28
3-3-2 H3BO3 沖蝕實驗步驟………..…………………………………..28
4-1 氣泡型態與流場型式...…..........................................................................36
4-2 氣泡型態...…..............................................................................................37
4-3 耐火材料的沖蝕....................................................................…................41
4-3-1 沖蝕後試片的外觀...........................................................................41
4-3-2 試片的侵蝕速率…………………………………………….……..42
4-3-3 液高對侵蝕率的影響............………………………………….......43
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