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研究生(外文):Chin-Hsin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Sintering Behavior and Dielectric Properties of xBaTiO3-(1-x)Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 Ceramics
指導教授(外文):Chi-Shiung HsiWen-Kuan Lin
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摘 要
In order to decrease the firing temperature of Barium Titanate (BaTiO3, BT), low-melting(930℃) point Lead Iron Tungstate (Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3, PFW) relaxor has used as sintering aid. Lead Iron Tungstate has high dielectric constant and diffuse phase transform characteristics. Binary system in composition of xBT-(1-x)PFW (x =wt﹪) was prepared by mixed-oxides or BT-PFW mixed phases methods.
BaWO4 and BaFe12O19 phases were observed in the samples prepared by mixed-oxides or mix-phases processes when the samples were heat-treated at 500℃ for 2hours. Electrical and physical properties of BT-PFW ceramics were affected by the formation of BaWO4 and BaFe12O19 phases. Dielectric constants of BT-PFWs were in the range of 500s, since the dielectric constant of BaWO4 was as low as 8.
Two shrinkage stages were observed from the xBT-(1-x)PFW samples with x=0.2、0.5. The first shrinkage stage was considered as low-firing temperature PFW and BaWO4 phases reacting at 750℃-850℃. The second shrinkage was due to the formation of non-stoichimetric PFW liquid at 1050℃. BT particles were wetted by PFW liquid. Due to particle rearrangement, the BT-PFW samples shrunk at this temperature.
Dielectric properties of xBT-(1-x)PFW are dependent on grain size and amount of second phases BaWO4 and BaFe12O19 formed. Dielectric constant increased by the conditions of exact PFW(x=0.5) content, rapid heating rate(15℃/min), short dwelling time(30min), it reduced the contact area between BT and PFW grain and decreased the amount of second phases. Samples prepared by those conditions and sintered at 930℃, had dielectric constant of 1670. Influences from second phases and pores were not completely excluded in this research.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
附圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1. 前言 1
1-2. 研究動機及目的 4
1-3. 研究目標 4
第二章 前人相關研究與理論基礎 5
2-1.鈦酸鋇結晶結構及介電特性 5
2-1-1.介電損 7
2-2.鈦酸鋇相關研究 8
2-2-1.降低燒結溫度系統 8
2-2-2.溫度補償效應系統 9
2-2-3.NPO系統 9
2-3.弛緩體相關研究 10
2-3-1.PFW系統 10
2-3-2.降低燒結溫度系統 11
2-3-3居禮溫度位移劑系統 12
2-4.BT與弛緩體相關研究 13
2-5.兩相混燒法(Mixed-Sintering ) 25
2-6.孔洞對介電性質影響 14
2-7.假設第二相均勻散佈在連續相 14
2-8.液相燒結 16
第三章 實驗步驟及方法 19
3-1.PFW粉末製備 19
3-2.兩相混燒製備xBT-(1-x)PFW 19
3-2-1.氧化物合成法 20
3-2-2.BT晶粒大小對二次相與電性之影響 20
3-3.特性分析 20
3-3-1.物性量測 21
3-3-2.電性量測 21
3-3-3.結晶構造分析 21
3-3-4.掃瞄式電子顯微鏡分析 21
3-3-5.熱差分析 21
3-3-6.穿透式電子顯微鏡分析 22
第四章 結果與討論 27
4-1.PFW粉末製備 27
4-2.兩相混燒法與氧化物合成法樣品特性分析 28
4-2-1.兩相混燒法 28
4-2-2.兩相混燒法與氧化物合成法樣品燒結收縮率比較 31
4-2-3.兩相混燒法與氧化物合成法樣品介電常數比較 32
4-2-4.兩相混燒法與氧化物合成法樣品結晶構造分析與微觀組織比較 35
4-3.兩相混燒法樣品燒結行為分析 42
4-3-1.BaWO4與BaFe12O19二次相之形成溫度確定 42
4-3-2. BaWO4與BaFe12O19相的形成及其對xBT-(1-x)PFW燒結的影響 44
4-4.兩相混燒法樣品製備參數對二次相與電性之影響 46
4-4-1.PFW含量對二次相之影響 46
4-4-2.燒結升溫速率對二次相與電性之影響 49
4-4-3.燒結持溫時間對二次相與電性之影響 53
4-4-4.燒結溫度對二次相與電性之影響 57
4-5.BT晶粒粒徑對二次相與電性之影響 61
第五章 結論 66
參考文獻 67
附錄 70
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