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研究生(外文):Yong-Ren Huang
論文名稱(外文):Mesh-Based Temporal-Spatial Silhouette Segmentation for Video Sequence
指導教授(外文):Chaur-Heh Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Video-objectVideo segmentationMAPmotion activity
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目前的視訊切割技術可以概分為兩大類:先時間後空間,及先空間後時間。在研究中發現,過去所提出的的技術有許多的缺點以及實行上的困難。在先時間後空間技術上的缺點有: 1)運動參數的估測需要非常高的運算量,2)子物件的切割增加運算上的複雜度,3)無法確認物件切割的完整性。在先空間後時間技術上,利用空間資訊的區塊合併和區塊間相似性的測量,都非常難以處理。
本文提出一個先時間後空間的輪廓切割的新方法。在時間切割方面,我們定義了板塊運動活性(motion activity)以分離出背景(background)和非背景(non-background)的區域。為了使切割的結果更接近真實物件的邊緣,板塊的大小由大到小逐次遞減,並以遞迴方式逐步削去背景區域。
針對時間切割的粗略輪廓,我們進一步利用空間的資訊以削去屬於背景的區塊。本文發展了一個以最大事後機率(Maximum A Posteriori probability─MAP) 為準則的估測法則,並設計了五種區塊型態,藉著MAP準則,以判斷粗略輪廓上區塊之型態,以找出屬於背景的區塊。
Manipulating video objects individually from a video sequence is very desirable for multimedia applications. Therefore, video segmentation, which extracts an object from a video sequence, is a critical technique for these applications.
The current video segmentation algorithms can be roughly classified into two categories: temporal-to-spatial and spatial-to-temporal approaches. There are several problems in both approaches: 1) the estimation of motion parameters is high computation, 2) the segmentation of sub-objects increases considerable amount of computational complexity, 3) a complete segmentation of object is not guaranteed. In spatial-to-temporal approach, regions merging by spatial information and the similarity measure of regions are very difficult to process. This thesis presents a new temporal-to-spatial technique for silhouette segmentation to alleviate the problems.
In temporal segmentation, we use a motion activity for a patch to separate background and non-background regions. In order to achieve better accuracy, the size of a patch is reduced progressively, and the background areas are pared off iteratively.
After the temporal segmentation, we obtain the coarse contour. The spatial information is then used to further pare off the background regions. We develop a new estimation algorithm based on a MAP (Maximum A Posteriori probability) criterion. We design five patterns and use MAP criterion to classify the block types along the boundary of temporal segmentation result. The classification result is then used to extract the background areas.
The simulation results indicate that the new method achieve very good performance with low computational cost. In addition, the threshold values are calculated automatically rather than determined experimentally in the conventional techniques.
List of Figures..............................................VII
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................1
1.1Development of Video Coding.........................1
1.3Proposed Methods and Contributions..................8
1.4Organization of Thesis..............................11
Chapter 2 Previous Works of Video Segmentation...............13
2.1Temporal-to-Spatial Approach........................13
2.2Spatial-to-Temporal Approach........................17
2.3The Observations from Previous Works................21
Chapter 3 Proposed Mesh-Based Temporal-Spatial Silhouette
3.1Overview of the Proposed Method.....................23
3.2Temporal Measure and Segmentation...................27
3.3Spatial Silhouette Segmentation Using MAP estimation....................................................38
3.4The Threshold Decision..............................53
3.5The Proposed Algorithm..............................56
Chapter 4 Simulation Results and Discussions.................61
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Researches..................68
5.2Future Works........................................70
5.2.1Advance Video Segmentation Technique................70
5.2.2Shape Description and Coding........................71
5.2.3Object Motion Estimation and Compensation...........71
5.2.4Construction of Object Video Coding System..........71
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