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研究生(外文):Shih-Hung Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Analysis for Thermal Stress of Ball Grid Array (BGA) Package
指導教授(外文):Lih-Shan ChenHsiang-Chen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Ball Grid ArrayThermal StressFinite Element Analysis
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現今的電子產業蓬勃發展,在晶片尺寸的縮小與運算速度的增加下,許多以往常用的封裝技術,漸漸的受到挑戰而需要開發新的技術,而新技術中球腳格狀陣列 (BGA) 的技術就是一項熱門的研究,本文就是利用有限元素分析軟體ANSYS 5.52來針對錫球與基板間的接合,所產生的熱應力進行分析,希望能藉由改變錫球的數目、錫球間的間距、錫球的排列位置,而有更進一步的認識,以其能夠順利找出降低熱應力的方法,另外還針對錫球與基板間可能產生的孔洞現象作一模擬分析,藉以預防構裝過程中因為加熱所產生的諸多問題,提高產品的可靠度,因此本文對於業界進行此一產品的研發時,可以作為參考的範例。

We have developed an improved three-dimensional finite element coupled model of Ball Grid Array (BGA) by using ANSYS finite element simulation codes. This model takes into account the mechanical properties of substrates during the processes. In this paper, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional BGA thermal analyses have been carefully studied. The model has been used to study the effect of radius of solder and the void on the thermal-induced substrate stresses. The steady-state temperature and thermal stress distributions (contours) in the solders and substrates were predicted. Numerical simulations show good agreement with the existing two-dimensional model. In addition, a parametric study is presented to illustrate the influences of the radius and number of solders, the size of voids and the layer of substrates. This database is then used to obtain the empirical correlation for the restrained peak thermal stress as function of the radius, pitch and number of solders. It is found that the peak of thermal stress significantly increases as the radius of solder is decreased at same pitch. An increase in the pitch results in a decrease in the peak thermal stress for all number of solders. The reliability of BGA package is dramatically improved by decreasing the peak thermal stress. These empirical correlations would be very useful to design engineers in selecting the number of solders with substrates to reduce the peak stress on the critical electronic devices.

1-1 前言……………………………………………………1
1-2 研究動機………………………………………………3
1-3 文獻回顧………………………………………………4
1-4 論文架構………………………………………………5
第二章 理論分析與模型建立…………………………………6
2-0 相關應力敘述…………………………………………6
2-1 熱彈性之基本方程式…………………………………8
2-2 等向性熱分析之理論…………………………………10
2-2-1 等向性熱應力理論……………………………10
2-2-2 應力與應變關係………………………………14
2-2-3 破壞能量理論…………………………………15
2-3 模型假設與建立………………………………………16
2-3-1 預設條件………………………………………17
2-3-2 初始條件與設計參數之假設…………………17
2-3-3 材料的匹配性與介面應力的關係……………21
2-4 有限元素軟體ANSYS 之操作步驟……………………23
第三章 結果與討論……………………………………………30
3-1 Two Dimension 基板與基板的結合方面……………30
3-1-1 雙層基板與三層基板的結合…………………30
3-1-2 由不同厚度的情況考慮………………………31
3-1-3 基板相接合的形變圖…………………………33
3-2 Two Dimension 基板與錫球的結合方面……………37
3-2-1 錫球大小對基板的應力影響…………………37
3-2-2 錫球含孔洞的現象……………………………39
3-2-3 錫球與基板連接之形變圖……………………43
3-3 Three Dimension 基板與基板的結合方面…………46
3-3-1 不同中間層厚度的三層基板結合……………46
3-3-2 不同厚度的三層基板形變圖…………………47
3-4 Three Dimension 基板與錫球的結合方面…………49
3-4-1 基板與單一錫球連結…………………………49
3-4-1-1 錫球位置分析……………………………49
3-4-1-2 形變圖……………………………………50
3-4-1-3 錫球大小對應力的影響…………………52
3-4-2 三維錫球孔洞缺陷應力模擬…………………53
3-4-2-1 孔洞大小對基板的影響…………………53
3-4-2-2 三維孔洞與二維孔洞的比較……………55
3-4-3 雙錫球與基板連結……………………………55
3-4-3-1 錫球大小對基板的影響…………………55
3-4-3-2 錫球位置對基板的影響…………………57
3-4-3-3 形變圖……………………………………58
3-4-4 四顆錫球與基板連結…………………………60
3-4-4-1 錫球大小對基板的影響…………………60
3-4-5 二十五顆錫球與基板連結……………………63
3-4-5-1 錫球大小對基板的影響…………………63
3-4-6 多數量的錫球與基板連結……………………66
3-4-6-1 錫球大小對基板的影響…………………66
3-4-7 多數量的錫球與基板連結之形變圖的比較…71
第四章 結論與未來研究方向…………………………………76
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………79

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