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研究生(外文):Pai-Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):The detection of wrongly-oriented, samll-sized QFP IC's on the tray
指導教授(外文):Chi-Fa Chen
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本論文係有關一種分析與辨認小型盒裝扁方形(QFP) IC之方位的快速影像處理方法。尤其是有關放置在包裝盤上之小型陣列式IC中具有錯誤方位IC的檢測。在小型IC封裝處理過程中因抖動或其他誤差而容易使IC不被放正甚至被放反。因為該等IC之體積小並且一個包裝盤可能有數十個至數百個IC,因此產品作業員不易以目測發覺並且不能有效地在適當的時間中找出未被放正之IC,以至於在後面的電路板製作步驟中導致錯誤以及損失。因此本計畫提出關於用以分析並且辨認被放置在包裝盤上之小型已封裝IC之放置方位的品檢自動化之快速影像處理方法。
本論文預定之成果可應用於小型盒裝QFP IC之包裝程序中,以即時方式判定數十個或數百個放置於包裝盤上之小型IC的方位。本計劃的成果也可應用於類似陣列式物品之生產自動化的故障檢測程序。

This proposal relates to a method for analyzing and detecting the orientation of the packaged, small sized IC’s. Especially relates to the packaged IC’s placed on the tray. Generally in the final manufacturing process, a plurality of small sized IC’s, for example, having a surface dimension of 7mm by 7mm, are placed upon a tray for ease of transportation. However, such small IC’s are susceptible to vibration or errors in the manipulation of the IC’s, and may therefore, become wrongly oriented due to its small size.
When the robotic arm picks up a wrongly oriented IC and attaches it onto a circuit board, the circuit board will malfunction. The malfunction circuit board will be rejected, thus increasing the cost of manufacturing. This kind of loss can be avoided if wrongly oriented IC’s can be detected and corrected in advance.
The proposal provides a method for analyzing the image of a multitude of IC’s on a tray and detecting the positions of wrongly oriented IC’s for correction.
In the proposed method, the knowledge of technicians is combined with a learning function in the system to establish suitable representations of the ideal IC images. The representations are further integrated to form a knowledge base. Then, in the analyzing phase, two dimensional images of the IC’s are compared with the ideal IC images to determine the presence of wrongly oriented IC’s. The statistics of the wrong orientations will be collected and categorized for further improvement of the IC manipulation process.
The developed method will also be simplified to suit the implementation of using hardware circuits.
It is expected that the proposed method and apparatus can be applied to the detection of small sized IC orientations in the IC manipulation process. This proposal can also be applied for detecting the mark defections on a single larger sized IC with little modification.

第一章 前言....................................................1
1.1 簡介.......................................................1
1.2 研究動機...................................................2
1.3 論文架構...................................................4
第二章 IC封裝與QFP.............................................6
2.1 IC封裝產業概況.............................................6
2.2 構裝製程簡介..............................................10
2.3 構裝的製造技術............................................14
2.4 構裝型態之介紹............................................16
2.5 結論......................................................18
第三章 相關運算與影像處理.....................................19
3.1 一維相關運算..............................................19
3.2 二維相關運算..............................................22
3.3 相關匹配..................................................25
第四章 QFP之影像處理..........................................27
4.1 影像處理的基本步驟........................................27
4.2 取像......................................................28
4.3 前處理....................................................30
4.4 相關運算於影像處理之運用..................................32
第五章 錯誤方位檢測...........................................35
5.1 一維相關運算的模擬結果....................................35
5.2 二維相關運算的模擬結果...................................41
5.3 傅立葉譜之相關運算模擬結果................................46
第六章 實際模擬結果...........................................57
第七章 結論...................................................62

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