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研究生(外文):Lin Jong-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A study of New Reliability Growth Model- In Kalman Filter Approach
指導教授(外文):Chu Tuzz-Shong
外文關鍵詞:Reliability GrowthDelay FixKalman Filter
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本研究針對可靠度成長過程符合Power Law之合理假設,結合可隨時間變動的貝氏預測方法─Kalman Filter,建構一個新的可靠度成長模式,不僅有效的解決了產品持續研改(TAAF)過程中可靠度水準的估計與預測的困難,並可適用於有失效合併修改(Delay Fix)之研發過程。本研究利用模擬的數據與現行最為業界採用的AMSAA模式進行比較,包括敏感度分析說明本模式之穩健性(robustness)及以較少的測試件數即可達到減少預測誤差的優點。
A complex, newly designed system generally undergoes several stages of development testing before it is put into operation. After each stage of testing changes are made to the design with the hope that the new design would lead to a longer period of performance. This procedure is referred to as reliability growth. It is the result of iterative Test Analyze and Fix (TAAF) processes.
For the requirement to manage these TAAF processes effectively, a planned growth curve and a way to determine the continually changing reliability status is necessary. Thus, reliability growth models of the TAAF process have been developed to assist management.
We plan to study a delayed fix case in this research. It is of particular importance in the case of integrated reliability growth. In addition, it may be more economical to make several corrections at once. There may be a long lead-time required to implement design changes. Management may choose not to fix failure modes (causes) identified on prototype system until a production contract is awarded.
Furthermore, for a RDGT (Reliability Growth Development Tests) of a complex system it is usually difficult and expensive to obtain larger testing data. This motivated us to study the reliability growth-testing problem from a Bayesian point of view.
In this research we propose a new methodology for describing reliability growth and projecting future expected reliability of a complex system in a RGDT based on a delayed fixes failure process. The algorithm of our Kalmam Filter model and the simulation for model comparisons provided.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與背景
第二節 相關文獻回顧
第三節 研究目的及範圍
第二章 可靠度成長理論與失效合併改正模式
第一節 可靠度成長管理
第二節 失效分析
第三節 可靠度成長模式
第四節 失效合併改正關係式
第三章 卡門濾波之建立
第一節 卡門濾波方法
第二節 卡門濾波模式建立
第三節 演算程序
第四節 模式驗證
第四章 模式比較
第一節 數據模擬之設計
第二節 比較結果
第三節 敏感度分析
第五章 結論與建議
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