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研究生(外文):Chao-Hui Hung
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Cytotoxic and Chemical Constituents of Formosan Lauraceous Lindera communis
指導教授(外文):Ian-Lih Tsai
外文關鍵詞:LauraceousLindera communiscytotoxicityButanolideγ-lactonecancer cell line
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  對台灣產樟科釣樟屬植物香葉樹(Lindera communis Hemsl.)之莖皮及莖材,分別進行細胞毒活性與化學成分之研究,由其莖皮氯仿可溶部得到二個新的butanolide類化合物:lincomolide A (1)和lincomolide B (2),以及7個已知化合物:isolinderanolide E (3)、sepesteonol (4)、β-sitosterol (5)、β-sitosteryl-β-O-D-glucoside (6)、tetradecane (7)、nonanoic acid (8)和decyl alcohol (9)。
由其莖材氯仿可溶部得到五個新的butanolides:lincomolide C (10)、lincomolide D (11)、lincomolide E (17)、lincomolide F (18)和lincomolide G (19);二個新的seco-butanolides:secolincomolide A (12)和secolincomolide B (13);一個已由莖皮部獲得之新化物lincomolide B (2),及4個已知化合物:isoobtusilactone A (14)、secoisolancifolide (15)、epi-cubenol (16)和β-sitosterol (5),其中13具有enol-keto tautomers;17,18與19,11分別以混合物狀態分離得到。所分離得到的新butanolides類化合物構造上具有β-hydroxy-γ-methylene-α,β'';-unsaturated-γ-lactone或是β-hydroxy-γ-methyl-α,β'';-unsaturated-γ-lactone之骨架。以上各化合物(1~19)均依各種圖譜數據資料解析其結構。
對所獲得化合物進行細胞毒性試驗,其中lincomolide A (1)顯示對P-388、KB16、A549癌細胞株具有細胞毒抑制活性;lincomolide B (2)、isolinderanolide E (3)及lincomolide C (10)對P-388癌細胞株具有細毒抑制活性。
The cytotoxic and chemical constituents of the stem bark and wood of Formosan Lauraceous Lindera genus plant, Lindera communis Hemsl., has been studied. From the CHCl3 soluble fraction of the stem bark of L. communis has isolated two new butanolides, lincomolide A (1), lincomolide B (2), and seven known compounds, isolinderanolide E (3), sepesteonol (4), β-sitosterol (5), β-sitosteryl-β-O-D-glucoside (6), tetradecane (7), nonanoic acid (8), decyl alcohol (9). Furthermore, five new butanolides, lincomolide C (10), lincomolide D (11), lincomolide E (17), lincomolide F (18) and lincomolide G (19), two new seco-butanolides: secolincomolide A (12), secolincomolide B (13), and four known compounds, isoobtusilactone A (14), secoisolancifolide (15), epi-cubenol (16) and β-sitosterol (5) were obtained from the CHCl3 soluble fraction of the stem wood of this plant, 13 existed in enol-keto tautomers. Meanwhile, lincomolide B (2) had been isolated from both stem bark and wood. Compounds 17, 18 and 19 were isolated in mixture. All the isolated new butanolides whose skeleton contained β-hydroxy-γ-methylene-α,β΄-unsaturated-γ-lactone or β-hydroxy-γ-methyl-α,β΄-unsaturated-γ-lactone moiety. The structures of all these compounds were elucidated by the spectral data.
Among these, lincomolide A (1) showed significant cytotoxicity against P-388, KB16 and A549 cancer cell lines. Lincomolide B (2), isolinderanolide E (3) and lincomolide C (10) showed cytotoxic activity against P-388 cancer cell line.
目    次
第一章 緒言
第二章 研究動機與目的
第三章 過去成分研究概要
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 莖皮之抽取與分離
第二節 莖材之抽取與分離
第三節 Lincomolide A (1) 之結構研究
第四節 Lincomolide B (2) 之結構研究
第五節 Isolinderanolide E (3) 之結構研究
第六節 Sepesteonol (4) 之結構研究
第七節 β-Sitosterol (5) 之結構研究
第八節 β-Sitosteryl-β-D-O-glucoside (6) 之結構研究
第九節 Tetradecane (7) 之結構研究
第十節 Nonanoic acid (8) 之結構研究
第十一節 Decyl alcohol (9) 之結構研究
第十二節 Lincomolide C (10) 之結構研究
第十三節 Lincomolide D (11) 之結構研究
第十四節 Secolincomolide A (12) 之結構研究
第十五節 Secolincomolide B (13) 之結構研究
第十六節 Isoobtusilactone A (14) 之結構研究
第十七節 Secoisolancifolide (15) 之結構研究
第十八節 epi-Cubenol (16) 之結構研究
第十九節 Lincomolide E (17)及Lincomolide F (18)
第二十節 Lincomolide G (19) 之結構研究
第五章 細胞毒成分之研究
第六章 結論
第七章 實驗部分
第一節 儀器與材料
第二節 莖皮部之抽取分離
第三節 莖材部之抽取分離
第四節 莖皮氯仿可溶部之分離
第五節 莖材氯仿可溶部之分離
第六節 各化合物之實驗數據
第七節 細胞毒之試驗方法
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