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外文關鍵詞:R&D flexibilityR&D managementbusiness performance
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本篇研究主要的目的在於探討研發彈性的管理活動、研發彈性能力、和事業績效之間的相互關係,以國內新竹科學園區的高科技廠商為研究對象,探討研發彈性能力的影響變數,並利用路徑分析(path analysis)建立一整體因果關係模型。本研究仿Upton(1994)分析彈性之方式,而將彈性以範疇(range)彈性及機動(mobility)彈性等二個彈性要素(element)來衡量,並根據文獻整理出影響研發彈性的管理活動分別為研發早期顧客參與產品設計的程度、研發計劃案與外界技術合作的比率、研發計劃案與外界資金合作的比率、製造部門早期參與研發計劃的程度、以跨部門專案團隊的方式研發、高階管理者投入研發工作的程度及供應商參與新產品研發的程度等,而事業績效的衡量採用近二年來之銷售成長率及純益率為指標。研究內容分為三個部份,第一部份研究研發管理活動對研發彈性能力的影響關係。第二部份研究研發範疇彈性和機動彈性之間的關係。第三部份研究研發彈性能力與事業績效之間的關係。
The purpose of this study is to construct the casual model between R&D management, R&D flexibility and business performance. The empirical research also builds the propositions based on the manufacturers in HSINCHU SCIENCE-BASED INDUSTRIAL PARK and uses path analysis to verify the proposed model constructed by literature review. According to Upton’s (1994) framework for analyzing the specific dimension of flexibility, this study splits R&D flexibility into two distinct forms that are R&D range and R&D mobility flexibility. Here, the activity of management that influence the flexibility determinants include the degree of customer join the product designed, cooperation about technical exchange in R&D project, cooperation about venture capital in R&D project, manufacturer join the product designed, cross-department team, top manager join R&D project and close relationships with suppliers. The indicators of business performance are sales growth and earning ratio in recent 2 years.
The content of the research is as follows. First, this study is to investigate the impact of activity of management determinate programs on R&D range and R&D mobility flexibility. Second, this study is to deal with the relations among R&D range and R&D mobility flexibility. Finally, this study is also to explore those two distinct forms of R&D flexibility influence on business performance.
There are three major findings in the empirical research:
1. The determinant of R&D range flexibility is the degree of customer join the product designed, cooperation about technical exchange in R&D project, manufacturer join the product designed and cross-department team. The product mobility flexibility is determined in sequence by the manufacturer join the product designed and cross-department team.
2. The relationship with Greater R&D mobility and R&D range flexibility is insignificant because R&D is a long-term investment.
3. The major source of earning ratio comes from the R&D flexibility of the firm.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究對象 4
1.5研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 彈性定義 7
2.1.1彈性的定義 7
2.1.2彈性的研究領域 7
2.1.3內部彈性與外部彈性 8
2.2 研發彈性能力 9
2.3影響研發管理活動之探討 14
2.4 績效之定義 18
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1研究架構 19
3.2 研究假設 20
3.2.1 研發管理活動對研發彈性能力 20
3.2.2 研發範疇及機動彈性能力之間的相互關係 23
3.2.3 研發彈性能力與經營績效 23
3.3變數衡量 24
3.3.1研發彈性能力的衡量 24
3.3.2研發管理活動之衡量 26
3.3.3事業績效之衡量 29
3.4 研究方法 30
3.5研究限制 32
第四章 實證研究結果 33
4.1 問卷回收情形 33
4.2 樣本廠商之敘述統計 35
4.2.1 廠商基本資料 35
4.2.2 研發管理活動的推動情形 35
4.2.3 研發彈性能力的情形 36
4.2.4事業績效的表現情形 37
4.2.5數據處理 37
4.3 分析結果 38
4.4 結果討論 45
第五章 結論與建議 50
5.1 研究結論 50
5.2 管理上的涵意 51
5.3 後續研究建議 52
參考文獻 53
問卷 56
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