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研究生(外文):LIN, SHENG-WEI
論文名稱(外文):The Principle of Autonomy in Civil Society and the Conditions of its Orginization
指導教授(外文):KU, CHUNG-HWA
外文關鍵詞:civil societyautonomycivil rightcivic virtuestateassociationsocial orginazation
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This essay proposes to clarify the principle of “autonomy” in civil society and its conditions of organizations. It is almost probable that the autonomy of civil society is defined as the opposite of the modern form of state. And I am going to point out that there are some obstacles in some society for keeping democratization because of some inner limited condition.
First of all, it is necessary to demarcate the boundry of civil society. It seems obvious that there has been argument over “civil society” and “ free market-society” on the theoretical level during the last decades. To some extend, it is often said that the operating logic of the market machine, the content of the right that is necessary for market exchange (the “acquisitive” right from the assumption of possessive individuals, not the right of “participation”), the interaction model between individual in the market and the form of “self-organization” have to be reconsidered in the essay. However, to some degree, the definite ideal of “free market-society” is not apparently to support the practice of individual autonomy. Therefore, I want to use the three-dimension frame of “state/ market/ civil society” as the basic analysis approach. The effort of construction of the autonomy in civil society must be aware the threats from the potential dangerous of market-logic, to maintain the applicable “distance” from state, and overcome the possible inner crisis form its internal division.
In chapter II, I am discussing about “institution”. I try to analyze the relationship between the “citizenship right” and “civil society”. Obviously, the citizenship right is the promise of the legal-institute, the foundation of civil society and its autonomy. In the meantime, the practice and reform of citizenship right depends on the network of self-organization in the society.
Then, in chapter III, I mention the normative implication of “autonomy” from the level of culture and social life. According to our definition of autonomy in this essay, it would appear that the life-form can be titled “autonomous” depends on the constructive participation and civil virtue, which is cultivated by the operation of immediate social organization.
Lastly, I examine the conditions of social organizations in chapter IV. Simultaneously, for the purpose of describing the “ideal type” of “civil association” as the basic foundation principle of organizations’ operation in modern civil society, I distinguish the possible categories, characters, characters and the norms of autonomy inside the organization. It is not only on the methodological meaning but also applies for the normative aspect.
Key-word: civil society, autonomy, citizenship right, civil participation, state, association, social organization.
目  次
第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………………1
第一節 公民社會概念的發展歷程及其當代意涵………………………3
1.1 從洛克到蘇格蘭啟蒙學者
1.2 黑格爾、馬克思與葛蘭西
1.3 托克維爾及其觀點的現代意義
1.4 「公共領域」與公民社會
第二節 台灣的社會情境及公民社會概念的「繼受史」………………12
1.1 「民間社會」與「民間社會論」
1.2 「市民社會」與「公民社會」
第二章 公民社會與公民權………………………………….…….. 19
第一節 公民權、國家與社會領域………………………….…………21
1.1 權利論述的基礎:國家或社會領域?
1.2 國家與社會領域的分立對抗:公民權的擴大
1.3 「人民自決」的幻象:民族主義問題
第二節 市場社會與公民權………………………………………………33
2.1 自由市場運作邏輯的擴張
2.2 市場邏輯與公民權的緊張與衝突
第三節 公民社會與公民權的實踐………………………………………39
3.1 公民權的積極內涵:組織行動的能力
3.2 實踐與重塑公民權的社會場域
3.3 「公民社會」與當代民主生活
第三章 公民社會中的自主性原則………………………….…..…48
第一節 自主性行動的規範基礎………………………………...……50
1.1 自主性原則的論辯
1.2 自主性行動的規範性質
第二節 公民社會圖像中的個人主義問題……………………………57
2.1 公民社會論述中的個人與個人主義
2.2 契約式社會關係下的疏離與分裂
2.3 社會凝聚的可能性
第三節 公民與國家之間的中介機制…………………………………67
3.1 公民與國家之間的距離
3.2 公民與國家之間的中介機制
3.3 結社組織的功能:「公共參與」與公民德性的培育
第四章 公民社會的組織條件:結社組織的性質與規範.….......77
第一節 公民社會的組織形態:自主性行動的組織化……………….78
1.1 自我組織的社會基礎
1.2 現代結社組織的基本性質
1.3 企業結社與公民結社
第二節 結社組織領域的自主性規範………………………………….90
2.1 社會領域中的不平等關係
2.2 公民結社的「雙重自主性」原則
2.3 結社組織內部的自主性要求
第五章 結 論……………………………………………………………101
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