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研究生(外文):Yi-Chun Lai
論文名稱(外文):Folding of Single Visco-elastic Layer — Numerical Simulation
指導教授(外文):Mao-Hua TengFu-Shu Jeng
外文關鍵詞:foldingnumerical simulationstrain ratevisco-elasticFEM
  • 被引用被引用:7
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由分析結果得知:(1) 褶皺生成之波形受到應變速率的影響:當應變速率較快之時,岩層之波形由彈性阻抗比所決定,形成之波長為臨界波長;(2) 當應變速率較慢時,褶皺之波形由初始幾何外形擾動所控制。
This thesis aims to identify the mechanisms associated with folding of a single visco-elastic layer based on a series of numerical analyses, using finite element program, ABAQUS. The factors, including material properties, strain rate as well as simulation skill were considered.
The analyzed results indicate that: (1) The waveform is dominated by the compressing rate, namely the strain rate. As the layer is compressed under fast strain rate the waveform of the yielded fold is dominated by the elastic competence contrast R, and has a critical wave length; (2) As the strain rate is slow, the waveform is controlled by the initial geometrical perturbation.
To exclude the influence of initial perturbation, this research develops a perturbation method without introducing the geometry imperfection. Again, when compressed under fast strain rate, the waveform is controlled by the elastic properties. When the applied force F is greater then a certain value , the waveform comprises of two frequencies. When F is less then a certain value , the waveform has only one frequency with decreasing amplitudes away from the perturbed end.
As the layer is two-stage compressed with a fast and a slow strain rates, we found the waveform yielded at initial stage with fast strain rate can be maintained to later stage regardless the slow strain rate. On the other hand, the waveform yielded at initial stage with slow strain rate can be altered by the later fast strain rate.
第一章 前言1
1-1 研究動機1
1-2 研究目地與方法2
1-3 本文內容2
第二章 前人研究4
2-1 褶皺的分類4
2-2 褶皺的發育過程4
2-3 彈性材料的褶皺理論6
2-4 黏性材料的褶皺理論8
2-5 褶皺的物理模型研究11
2-6 褶皺的數值模型研究11
第三章 研究方法15
3-1 分析方法簡介15
3-2 數值分析模型介紹16
3-3 數值分析模型規劃16
3-4 Maxwell黏彈性材料驗證17
第四章 數值模擬技術比較27
4-1 數值模型介紹27
4-2 預壓縮-擾動法27
4-3 初始幾何外形擾動法29
4-4 討論30
第五章 應變速率對褶皺構造之影響38
5-1 初始幾何外形擾動法38
5-2 預壓縮-擾動法41
5-3 褶皺產狀成因之力學分析 — 彈性材料44
5-4 褶皺產狀之影響 — 黏性阻抗比及應變速率48
5-5 討論53
第六章 結論與建議74
6-1 結論74
6-2 進一步研究進建議75
附錄A 有限元素法簡介80
附錄B 黏彈性材料參數輸入說明89
附錄C 分析案例總列表91
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