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研究生(外文):Fei-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):On Kant''s Transcendental Deduction of the Categories─Is the Principle of Apperception Analytic or Synthetic?
指導教授(外文):Ko-Chuan ChangHua Terence Tai
外文關鍵詞:KantTranscendental Deduction of the CategoriesPrinciple of Apperceptionanalytic propositionsynthetic propositionHenry AllisonDieter HenrichPaul Guyer
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This thesis studies Kant’s Principle of Apperception, the first premise of the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories. In the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant holds that the Principle of Apperception is an a priori synthetic proposition (KrV, A117n), whereas in the second edition he holds it to be analytic (KrV, B131-132). Now this thesis discusses and evaluates arguments for these opposing interpretations of the Principle of Apperception with a view to determining which of them would yield a principle more suitable for playing the role as the first premise of the Transcendental Deduction.
The thesis focuses on the arguments provided by Henry Allison, Dieter Henrich, and Paul Guyer. The former two scholars construe the Principle of Apperception as an analytic proposition, whereas the last construes it as synthetic. Allison asserts that the analyticity of the principle is based on the nature of the subject of cognition as a logically simple subject. However, Henrich considers the principle analytic because of its Cartesian certainty. Guyer criticizes the above two scholars and points out that the Transcendental Deduction would not succeed if it starts from an analytic claim to self-consciousness. He then suggests an empirical-synthetic claim to self-consciousness as the first premise of the Transcendental Deduction.
The author would explore the following difficulties facing the two interpretations. On the one hand, interpreting the Principle of Apperception as analytic still cannot enable us to provide a satisfying answer to the question how it is possible to derive the synthetic conclusion (i.e., that the categories have objective validity) from an analytic premise. On the other hand, interpreting the principle as synthetic would lead to more problems. First, Kant’s transcendental apperception does not contain temporary elements so that it could never be expressed by an empirical-synthetic claim to self-consciousness. Second, the argument that Guyer provides for such a claim to empirical self-consciousness may have confused Kant’s analytic method with his synthetic method.
第一章 提出問題 1
第一節 兩版範疇超驗推證的不一致 2
第二節 這個問題為什麼重要?如何進行思索? 3
第三節 論證重構的研究方法 7
第二章 何謂統覺原則? 9
第一節 區分經驗統覺與超驗統覺 9
第二節 超驗統覺 13
第三節 何謂統覺原則? 18
第三章 論證統覺原則是分析命題 27
第一節 愛立森論證統覺原則是分析命題 29
第二節 亨利希論證統覺原則是分析命題 46
第三節 檢討與批評 55
第四章 論證統覺原則應為綜合命題 63
第一節 關於範疇超驗推證的主流詮釋及其問題 65
第二節 蓋爾論證統覺原則不應為先驗命題──
我持續同一的先驗知識」這項命題 67
第三節 蓋爾提出從「吾人對於自我持續同一擁
有經驗知識」出發的範疇超驗超驗推證 87
第四節 檢討與批評 91
第五章 回應、評估與結論 101
第一節 回應各批評 102
第二節 評估與結論 118
附錄 125
論證結構圖示 127
名詞對照 131
參考文獻 133
一、 康德著作
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Antropologie in pragmatischer Absicht, 1798, in: KGS, Bd. VIII.
Logik. Ein Handbuch zu Vorlesungen, 1800, in: KGS, Bd. IX.
二、 其他參考文獻:專文、專書或期刊
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