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研究生(外文):Ying-Ling Huang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on blood types of Taiwan buffalo
指導教授(外文):Yung-Yi SungDe-Shien Jong
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan buffaloblood typepolymorphismalleleproportion of polymorphic locinumber of effective locimean of heterozygosity
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本研究分別自農委會畜產試驗所(Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, TLRI)花蓮種畜繁殖場及台北市立動物園(Taipei Zoo)所採集123頭水牛血樣(包括花蓮種畜場122頭及動物園1頭),進行血清蛋白、血紅素及紅血球酵素型的分析。藉以瞭解台灣水牛遺傳,俾供水牛育種研究之參考。
血清蛋白型的鐵合蛋白型(transferrin, Tf)、後鐵合蛋白型(post-transferrin, Ptf)、白蛋白型(albumin, Alb)、後白蛋白型(post-albumin, Pa)與鹼性磷酸型(alkaline phosphatase, Akp),以聚丙烯醯銨膠體電泳(polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)進行分析;血紅素型(hemoglobin, Hb)及紅血球酵素型的碳酸酐型(carbonic anhydrase, CA)、酯解D型(esterase D, EsD)及磷酸葡萄酸鹽去氫型(phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, PGD),則以醋酸纖維電泳(cellulose acetate electrophoresis)進行分析。
在所檢測之台灣水牛的Tf、Ptf、Alb及Akp等四種血清蛋白型具有多態性(polymorphism);但Pa則為單一型。血紅素型為單一型。紅血球酵素型中的CA及EsD具有多態性;而PGD為單一型。Tf、Ptf、Alb和CA皆由二個交替基因以共顯性的方式呈現三種外表型;EsD和Akp所檢測出的結果為分別具有EsD FF和EsD FS及 Akp A和Akp O 二種外表型。
應用各基因座之交替基因頻率來估算台灣水牛的遺傳變異性,台灣水牛多型基因座比例(proportion of polymorphic loci)為0.67,有效基因座數目(number of effective loci)為1.237,且平均異質結合率(mean of heterozygosity)為0.144,相對於經過嚴格選拔之荷蘭牛族群,其遺傳變異性較大,因此可知在所檢測之台灣水牛族群並無經過嚴格的選育過程,其為一逢機配種族群。

Blood protein polymorphism was analysed by means of electrophoresis of detecting the gene frequencies as genetic markers in one hundred and twenty-three blood samples of Taiwan buffalo. Their phenotypes, genetic component, and gene frequencies were estimated in order to analyze the genetic component and genetic variability among this population.
The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyze five serum protein types, which were Tf, Ptf, Alb, Pa and Akp. The cellulose acetate electrophoresis was used to analyze Hb and erythrocyte enzyme systems, including CA, EsD and PGD.
The results showed polymorphism in Tf, Ptf, Alb, Akp, CA and EsD, but didn't show polymorphism in Pa, Hb and PGD. Except for Akp and EsD, all of the polymorphism were controlled for two alleles in these blood proteins, and showed three phenotypes. In this study, Akp and EsD showed two phenotypes, Akp A and Akp O, and EsD FF and EsD FS, respectively.
We estimated gene frequencies of the genetic variability of Taiwan buffalo, the proportion of polymorphic loci was 0.67, the number of effective loci was 1.237, and the mean of heterozygosity was 0.144.

壹、 摘要 ……………………………………………… 1
貳、 緒言 ……………………………………………… 2
參、 文獻檢討 ………………………………………… 3
一、 台灣水牛之品種特徵與來源 ………………. 3
二、 台灣水牛之血型分析 ………………………. 5
(一) 水牛血清蛋白質多態性 …………… 6
(二) 水牛血紅素多態性 ………………… 15
(三) 水牛紅血球酵素多態性 …………… 18
三、 遺傳組成及遺傳變異之估算 ………………. 24
(一) 遺傳組成之估算 …………………… 24
(二) 遺傳變異之估算 …………………… 25
肆、 材料與方法 ……………………………………… 28
伍、 結果與討論 ……………………………………… 45
一、 血清蛋白型 …………………………………. 45
二、 血紅素型 ……………………………………. 56
三、 紅血球酵素型 ………………………………. 57
四、 遺傳變異性估算 ……………………………. 62
陸、 結論 ……………………………………………… 66
柒、 參考文獻 ………………………………………… 67
捌、 英文摘要 ………………………………………… 77
玖、 小傳 ……………………………………………… 78
附 綠 ……………………………………………………79

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