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研究生(外文):Yang, Mei-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Light and Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Morphological and Physiological Attributes of Three-cupule Tanoak(Pasania ternaticupula Hay.)Seedlings
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Shing-Rong
外文關鍵詞:Pasania ternaticupula Hay.LightPhosphorus Fertilizer
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The objective of this study was aimed to ascertain the effects of light intensity and phosphorus fertilizer on the growth and field performance of Pasania ternaticupula seedlings. Three-month old seedlings of P. ternaticupula were applied with 0, 60, 90, 120, 150 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer, respectively, combined with 300 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer and 100 kg ha-1 potassium fertilizer, while seedlings were grown under 44%, 58% relative light intensity, and full daylight, respectively.
The results showed that the one-year old seedlings grown in relative light intensity of 58% full daylight had biggest items in height growth, total leaf area, average leaf area, total dry mass, dry mass of roots, stem and leaves, and Dickson quality index. However, leaf area ratio(LAR), specific leaf area(SLA), leaf weight ratio(LWR), dry weight partition to leaf , and chlorophyll concentration of seedlings were increased as shading intensity increased. Root-top ratio, dry weight of roots, and the stomata density were increased in the higher light intensity environment. The light intensity significantly affected the growth and morphology of seedlings.
The responses of total weight, dry weight of roots and leaves, Dickson quality index showed that the 60 kg ha-1 P level was optimal. The concentration of P in seedlings was increased as the amount of P fertilizer increased. The first year field performance of the seedlings after out-planting was also affected by light intensity during nursery stage. The seedlings grown under relative light intensity 44% had highest height growth in first year in field might be due to the scattered trees that shading the planted seedlings. However, P fertilizer did not affect the performance of the seedlings in the field.
The results of this study showed that suitable shading had an advantage in dry mass production of P. ternaticupula seedlings; however, the optimal amount of P for the seedlings was as low as 60 kg/ha. In summary, the best scheme to cultivate P. ternaticupula seedling is to apply 60 kg ha-1 of phosphorus fertilizer and a relative light intensity 58% of full daylight.
壹、前言 1
貳、前人研究 3
一、三斗石櫟之相關育苗研究 3
二、磷與苗木生長之關係 4
三、光度對苗木形態及生長之影響 6
(一)葉的大小 6
(二)葉片數量 7
(三)葉片厚度 7
(四)氣孔密度 8
(五)葉綠素濃度 9
(六)生物量生產及分配 9
(七)高生長及直徑生長 11
(八)其他性狀 11
參、材料及方法 12
一、供試苗木 12
二、試驗用肥料及遮蔭網 12
(一)肥料 12
(二)遮蔭網 12
三、試驗設計及處理 13
(一)苗木選擇及分配 13
(二)光度及施肥處理 13
四、苗木調查及測定項目 14
(一)生長調查 14
(二)生物量測定 15
(三)苗木形態品質指數 15
(四)葉片形質 16
(五)氣孔密度 16
(六)葉綠素濃度 16
(七)根系生長潛能(root growth potential;RGP) 17
(八)植物體礦質養分濃度分析 18
五、育苗介質之化學性質 18
(一)pH值之測定 19
(二)有效磷濃度 19
(三)可交換性鉀、鈉、鈣及鎂濃度 19
六、林地栽植試驗 20
七、資料分析統計 20
(一)苗高累積淨生長及苗徑累積淨生長資料分析方式 20
(二)其他生長資料分析方式 21
肆、結果 22
一、苗木生長 22
(一)苗高及地際直徑之生長 22
(二)生物量 25
(三)苗木形態品質指數 27
(四)葉片形質 30
(五)氣孔密度 30
(六)葉綠素濃度之變化 34
(七)根系生長潛能之比較 34
(八)苗木礦質養分濃度之變化 34
二、苗木生長介質化學性質之變化 44
三、林地生長 47
伍、討論 49
一、光度對苗木生長及形態之影響 49
(一)苗高、苗徑之生長 49
(二)生物量生產及分配 50
(三)苗木形態品質指數 51
(四)葉片形質 52
(五)氣孔密度之變化 56
(六)葉綠素濃度之變化 57
(七)根系生長潛能 58
(八)礦質養分濃度 59
二、施用磷肥對苗木之影響 60
三、生長介質之化學變化 62
四、出栽苗木之生長 63
陸、結論及建議 65
柒、參考文獻 67
捌、附錄 77
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