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研究生(外文):Yu-Jing Su
論文名稱(外文):The comparative of leaves in some species Urticaceae, and morphogenesis of epidermal tissue in the leaves of Dendrocnide meyeniana (Walp.) Chew
指導教授(外文):Ling-Long Kuo-Huang
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The morphology and distribution of lithocysts were studied in the mature leaves of ten species ( eight genera ) of Urticaceae by light and electron microscopy. In the leaves of Boehmerica densiflora Hook. & Arn., Debregeasia orientalis C. J. Chen, Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miq., Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn., Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm, and Dendrocnide meyeniana (Walp.) Chew, the different kinds of trichomes and idioblasts in the mesophyllous tissue were anatomically investigated . Besides, the development and morphogenesis of the epidermis of D. meyeniana were studied in order to understand the relationship inbetween.
The epidermis of mature leaves in some species of Urticaceae
The lithocysts of these plant species are located in the epidermal tissue, and mostly in the adaxial side of the leaves. The shapes of lithocysts were classified into four types: (1) linear lithocysts: P. microphylla, and Elatostema platyphylloides Shih & Yang; (2) spherical lithocysts: G. hirta, D. orientalis, and P. zelanica; (3) conical lithocysts: B. densiflora; (4) papillate lithocysts: D. meyeniana. The results of the investigation on the trichomes in the mature leaves of six species (six genera) showed that except the leaves of P. microphylla there no trichome, and however different kinds of trichomes were observed in the leaves of the other species. Based on the types of trichomes, they were divided into two groups: (1) glandular trichomes: stinging and glandular trichome; (2) nonglandular trichomes: hispid, hooked, pustulate, and villous trichome.
The leaf and epidermis development in D. meyeniana
The leaf development in D. meyeniana were divided into seven periods: (1-A) the formation of leaf primodium in the apical meristem. (1-B) the abaxial epidermis differentiated trichomes. (1-c) the adaxial epidermis differentiated trichomes. (1-D) the differentiated of hydathode, stomata and lithocyst. (2-A) mesophyll tissue differentiated palisade tissue. (2-B) the spongy tissue appeared. (2-C) leaf matured.
In D. meyeniana, the protoderm was differentiated into various kinds of epidermal cells including trichomes, guard cells, lithocysts and the hydathodes. Epidermis of leaves is only one cell layer. On the adaxial and abaxial side of mature leaves there were stinging, glandular, and hispid trichomes. The stinging trichome was composed of a central stinging cell and a group of pedestal cells. The hispid trichome was a single cell. The glandular trichome included a basal cell, stalk cell and eight head cells. The anisocytic stomatal complexes, which composed of two guard cells and the surrounding three subsidiary cells, were found only on the abaxial leaf surface. Nevertheless the hydathodes and papillate lithocysts were mostly distributed on the adaxial leaf surface. The hydathode included water pores, epithemal tissue and tracheids. The papillate lithocysts contained calcium carbornate crystal which was composed of a long stalk and the round body. In the mesophyll tissue, there were Ca oxalate crystal idioblasts, tannic cells and mucilage cells.

目 錄
目錄……………………………………………………………... Ⅰ
附表目錄………………………………………………………... Ⅲ
附圖目錄………………………………………………………... Ⅳ
圖版目錄………………………………………………………... Ⅴ
中文摘要………………………………………………………... Ⅶ
英文摘要………………………………………………………... Ⅸ
壹、前言………………………………………………………... 1
貳、材料與方法………………………………………………... 7
一、蕁麻科植物成熟葉部構造的觀察…………………... 7
二、咬人狗葉部生長與表皮組織的發育……….………... 9
參、結果………………………………………………………... 13
一、蕁麻科植物成熟葉部的形態與解剖構造…………... 13
I、毛茸…………………………………………………... 13
II、石胞………………………………………………….. 16
III、草酸鈣結晶細胞……………………………………. 18
IV、六種植物葉部特徵的比較…………………………. 18
二、咬人狗葉部生長與葉片表皮組織的發育…………… 23
I、葉部生長……………………………………………... 25
II、葉片表皮組織的發育………………………………. 30
1.一般表皮細胞……………………………………... 30
2.蟄毛………………………………………………... 30
3.腺毛………………………………………………... 31
4.氣孔複合體………………………………………... 32
5.泌水器……………………………………………... 33
6.石胞………………………………………………... 35
III、葉肉異形細胞……………………………………… 36
1.草酸鈣結晶………………………………………... 36
2.單寧細胞…………………………………………... 36
3.黏液細胞…………………………………………... 37
IV、葉片微量元素分析與組織化學檢定……………… 38
三、圖版標示說明…………………………………………. 44
四、圖版…………………………………………………….. 46
肆、討論………………………………………………………... 135
伍、引用文獻…………………………………………………... 143

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