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研究生(外文):Kuang Shang, Fu
論文名稱(外文):An Enhancement of DIS Protocol for Entity State in Networked Virtual Environment
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Hui, Lee
外文關鍵詞:DISdistributed interactive simulationVirtual RealityEntity StateESPDU
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本篇論文的主旨在於探討網路虛擬實境(Networked Virtual Environment)中的分散式互動模擬協定 (Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol), 並對物體狀態模擬(Simulation of Entity States) 作改良. 網路虛擬實境是一軟體系統, 用來展現三維虛擬世界, 並提供多人透過網路互動的機制. 在網路虛擬實境下有許多分散式互動模擬協定被提出作為網路軟體架構 (Network software architecture). 在這些網路軟體架構中最重要的協定, 就是物體狀態的模擬協定. 顧名思義是用來模擬網路虛擬實境中的物體狀態, 如移動, 旋轉等運動狀態.
針對物體狀態的模擬協定作改良, 可使網路虛擬實境達到更好的使用效率. 在本篇論文所提出的改良是基於分散式互動模擬網路軟體架構 (DIS network software architecture). 以資訊理論壓縮技術對傳輸的資料作高度壓縮, 並修正分散式互動模擬網路軟體架構, 使網路虛擬實境更具多人互動的能力.
In this thesis, we describe an enhancement of distributed interactive simulation protocol for Entity State in networked virtual environment. Networked virtual environment is a software system, which displays a 3D virtual world and enables interaction between participants with network protocols. There are many distributed interactive simulation protocols proposed to support the network software architecture of the networked virtual environment. The most important protocol in these network software architectures is Entity States simulation protocol. It defines how to simulate the state of each entity in the networked virtual environment, like movement, or translation.
With the enhancement of simulation protocol of Entity States in this thesis, networked virtual environment could reach a better performance. This enhancement is based on DIS network software architecture, which is led by Distributed Interactive Simulation Workshop. We compress the transmitted data with information theory, and modify DIS network software architecture for rising the capability of interaction between multiple users in Networked virtual environment.
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Design Goal
1.3 The Organization
Chapter 2 Background and Related Work
2.1 Networked Virtual Environment
2.1.1 The Major Components of Net-VE System
2.1.2 Challenges in Net-VE Design and Development
2.2 Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)
2.2.1 Origin of Distributed Interactive Simulation
2.2.2 SIMNET Network Software Architecture
2.2.3 Distributed Interactive Simulation Network Software Architecture
2.2.4 Terminology of Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol
2.2.5 Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol
2.2.6 Entity State PDU (ESPDU) Format
2.2.7 Dead Reckoning Algorithm
2.3 Other Distributed Simulation Protocols
Chapter 3 An Enhancement of DIS protocol for Entity State
3.1 Analysis of DIS Protocol
3.1.1 Advantage of DIS Protocol
3.1.2 Disadvantage of DIS Protocol
3.2 Enhancement Issues of DIS Protocol
3.3 An Enhanced DIS Protocol
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Enhanced Predicted Method
3.3.3 Enhanced Convergence Method
3.4 Analysis of the Enhanced DIS protocol
Chapter 4 Implementation Issues
4.1 Trade off Issues of Enhanced DIS Protocol
4.2 Determination of Prediction Rate
4.3 Determination of Threshold
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future work
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Future Work
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