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研究生(外文):Wen-Huai Liao
論文名稱(外文):Spatial Variability and Dynamic Distribution of Cd in Soil-Water-Plant Systems
指導教授(外文):Wen-Lian Chang
外文關鍵詞:cadmium pollutionAssorption Isothrem Modelspatial variability
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利用Freundlich adsorption等溫吸附模式,並考慮pH及有機質,修正成新的吸附校正模式。考慮植物吸收重金屬的含量及重金屬的入滲量,發展出一長期預測重金屬總量的模式,輔以土壤的吸附鎘實驗,證明土壤對重金屬有極強的吸附力。從預測結果中發現於五年內土壤的鎘、銅、鋅皆超過環保署的制訂的第五級污染限值。
This study is combined physical and chemical chacteristies of cadmium pollution into a correlation matrices and kriging method is used to estimate the concentration of cadmium in lack of sampling location in peddy field at Chung-Wa area. Using correlated matrices, semi-variogram, and isotherm diagrams to find out relations between heavy metals in soil and rice grains, and others physical and chemical paramters. Kriging method were also used to recognize the spatial variability of soil-rice properties in this investigated area.
A significant correlation of cadmium in field soil and in rice grains. Moreover, cadmium concentration is also correlated significantly with pH, EC, and CEC. This result shows that cadmium pollution is related with soil properties. Cadmium in grains of rice is closely located at the entrance irrigation and its concentration decreases with the distance. Heavy metals concentrations of soil were also related with the distance of the irrigation entrance, pH, and clay in soil. Cadmium in soil and in grain is not related with altitude.
pH and organic maters were added to traditional Freundlich Adsorption Isothrem Model to a new one. Heavy metals uptaken by plants and leaching to soil are also considered in this model to predict long-term heavy metal adsorption models. With the adsorption experiment of cadmium, strong adsorption of the soil in this investigated area has been proved. The predict result has demonstrated that the concentration of heavy metal in soil will reach the fifth polluted degree, made by EPA, within 5years.
目 錄
摘要 1
第一章 緒論 4
1.1研究動機 4
1.2研究目的 6
第二章 由彰化和美田區試驗分析重金屬於土壤及水稻之空間變異 7
2.1前言 7
2.2文獻回顧 7
2.3理論基礎 8
2.3.1區域化變數理論 8
2.3.2半變異圖的計算 10
2.4材料與方法 11
2.4.1採樣時間與地點 11
2.4.2採樣方法 12
2.4.3分析方法 12
2.5結果與討論 14
2.5.1基本統計分析 14
2.5.2克利金分析 19
2.5.3等值濃度圖分析 24
2.6結論 35
第三章 預測彰化和美田區重金屬量的長期變化 37
3.1前言 37
3.2文獻回顧 37
3.3理論分析 39
3.3.1吸附定理 39
3.3.2長時期預測田間土壤中重金屬的型態 40
3.4實驗方法 41
3.4.1吸附實驗 41
3.4.2長時期預測田間之重金屬量 42
3.4.3重金屬鎘的吸附能力實驗 43
3.5結果與討論 44
3.5.1吸附實驗 44
3.5.2長時期預測田間之重金屬量 47
3.5.3重金屬鎘的吸附能力 52
3.6結論 54
第四章 結論與建議 56
第五章 參考文獻 58
附錄 63
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