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研究生(外文):Chou, Che-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Application of Simulated Annealing to Groundwater Parameter Zonation and Pumping Rate Identification
指導教授(外文):Tung, Ching-Pin
外文關鍵詞:Simulated AnnealingTabu SearchModflowCalibriation
  • 被引用被引用:17
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The purpose of this research is application of Simulated Annealing to groundwater research in the ChouShui Creek Alluvial Fan. In the process of calibration the research optimizes the groundwater parameter zonation and pumping rate simultaneously. The Simulated Annealing ,one of the heuristic method, not only improves the search efficiency, but also increases the probability of finding the global optimization. Many hydrogeologic observation wells have been installed in the ChouShui Creek Alluvial Fan, and groundwater parameters of these wells have been tested. Spatial distribution of geohydrologic parameters is an important issue in groundwater simulation. In the process of groundwater model calibration, the adjustment of pumping rate will certainly affect the computed heads, and at this time the groundwater parameter may be adjusted. Therefore the relation between the both adjustments and the computed heads is very close. Consequently, Simulated Annealing is used to calibrate the groundwater parameter zonation and pumping rate, and cooperate with the iterative calibration algorithm process to reach the optimal groundwater parameter zonation and pumping rate simultaneously. Through the simulated results of “the Janghauh’s aquifer 2-1” and “the Yun-Lin’s aquifer 2-1”, the application of the Simulated Annealing method could obtain the reasonable result in solving small area range.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機.…………………………..………….……1
1.2 研究目的.…………………………..……….………3
1.3 研究方法與步驟..……………………..….………...5
第二章 文獻回顧....……………………………….………6
第三章 模擬退火演算法之優選理論
3.1 疊代改善法(Iterative improvement).……..….11
3.2 模擬退火演算法(Simulated Annealing,SA)……13
3.3 模擬退火演算法影響因子探討...………….…..…16
第四章 濁水溪沖積扇地下水數值模式之建立
4.1 研究區域概述……...…………………….………..20
4.2 地質概述.….…………..……………………..……21
4.3 地下水數值模式之建立…………….…………….22
4.4 含水層分層模式……………………….….………36
第五章 模擬退火演算法在濁水溪沖積扇地下水問題之應用
5.1 模擬退火演算法於地質參數分區之應用………..41
5.2 模擬退火演算於抽水率調整之應用……………..49
5.3 疊代率定演算流程之介紹……………..…………55
第六章 結果與討論
6.1 疊代率定演算流程之探討……..………………...60
6.2 地下水參數分區應用之探討…………………..…60
6.3 抽水率調整應用之探討…………...…………...…62
6.4 彰化含水層2-1之結果探討………………………62
6.5 雲林含水層2-1之結果探討………………………70
6.6 總結……………...……………..…………….……80
第七章 結論與建議……………………………………...83
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