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研究生(外文):Hung Jung Shei
論文名稱(外文):Thin-Layer Models and Simulation of Intermittent Drying of Rough Rice
指導教授(外文):Chen Yi Luen
外文關鍵詞:Rough riceThin-layer dryingDrying time intervalTempering time intervalRe-circulating dryer
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另經由108個處理條件下之間歇式稻穀薄層乾燥試驗數據,利用迴歸分析方法建立出四個薄層公式,適用於稻穀乾燥後期含水率之計算。這些公式同時考慮到熱風溫度、熱風濕度、通風乾燥時段和均化時段的影響,其適用範圍分別為溫度自35至65 ℃,濕度自10至26 g/kg of dry air,乾燥時段自5至15 min,均化時段自40至120 min。在本研究中也對均化和乾燥時段與稻穀含水率變化的關係作探討,發現縮短乾燥時段並延長均化時段對增加循環式乾燥機的稻穀減乾率有助益。
The predictive accuracy of rough rice drying highly depends on the selection of the simulation model. During the past few decades, many researchers proposed lots of mathematical drying models for thin-layer drying. However, most of them are not consistent with the actual drying behavior at the beginning period of drying. In the present study, heated air of nine different temperature/humidity combinations are used to dry rice samples of six different moisture contents for the first 10-minute drying. A criteria of Newton cooling law with regression technique is used to establish a mathematical model for the beginning stage of thin-layer drying for rough rice.
In second part of the study, thin-layer drying data were acquired through intermittent drying of rough rice from 108 treatments. Four thin-layer equations were derived by regression analysis to predict the drying behavior for deep-bed drying of rough rice. The proposed equations reflect the effects of drying air temperature, drying air absolute humidity, drying time interval and tempering time interval. Drying air temperature varied from 35 to 65 ℃, drying air absolute humidity from 10 to 26 g/kg of dry air, drying time interval from 5 to 15 minutes and tempering time interval from 40 to 120 minutes. In addition, the variations of moisture content with tempering time intervals and drying time intervals are discussed. A shorter drying time interval and a longer tempering time interval were found favorable in re-circulating type rice dryer, as far as drying rate was concerned.
For the third part of this study, a partial differential equation model was used to simulate batch re-circulating dryers. The thin-layer quations used in this model were developed in this study as mentioned above.The moisture change and the drying rate of particular concern with respect to the simulated data are investigated. Validation drying experiments were both carried out in laboratory and in field. Two sets of experiment in laboratory and drying center were performed involving different drying parameters. Comparing these experimental data with simulated drying curves respectively, it was found that the predicted value fitted the experimental data well.
Keywords: Rough rice, Thin-layer drying, Drying time interval, Tempering time interval, Re-circulating dryer.
第一章 前言
第二章 文獻探討
2-1 均化
2-2 乾燥初期之薄層公式
2-3 乾燥後期之薄層公式
2-3-1 薄層連續乾燥方程式
2-3-2 薄層間歇乾燥方程式
2-4 穀物乾燥數學模擬
第三章 理論探討
3-1 稻穀薄層乾燥理論
3-1-1 乾燥初期稻穀層乾燥模式
3-1-2 乾燥後期稻穀薄層乾燥模式
3-2 稻穀厚層乾燥理論
3-2-1 乾燥過程
3-2-2 凝結
3-2-3 乾燥數學模式
3-3 乾燥相關定義
第四章 材料與方法
4-1 稻穀與乾燥裝置
4-1-1 稻穀
4-1-2 乾燥裝置
4-2 試驗設計
4-2-1 初期乾燥之設計
4-2-2 後期乾燥之設計
4-3 試驗步驟
4-3-1 初期乾燥之試驗步驟
4-3-2 後期乾燥之試驗步驟
4-4 薄層公式之建立
4-4-1 初期乾燥之薄層公式
4-4-2 後期乾燥之薄層公式
4-5 模擬與驗證
4-5-1 模擬之數學模式
4-5-2 模擬流程
4-5-3 偏微分模式之有限差分計算…
4-5-4 稻穀有關之性質
4-5-5 驗證
4-5-5-1 實驗室乾燥試驗之驗證
4-5-5-2 田間乾燥試驗之驗證
第五章 結果與討論
5-1 乾燥初期薄層公式
5-2 乾燥後期薄層公式
5-3 稻穀厚層乾燥模擬與驗證
5-3-1 實驗室乾燥數據與數學模擬之對照
5-3-2 田間乾燥數據與數學模擬之對照
第六章 結論
第七章 建議
第八章 參考文獻
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