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研究生(外文):Yu-Wei, Chen
論文名稱(外文):Reduction of System Parameter Effects on Texture of Medical Ultrasound Image
外文關鍵詞:ultrasoundliversystem parameterco-occurrence
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Medical ultrasound imaging system can be regulated in different setting dependents on doctors'' habit or patients'' need. During some experimental analysis, some finds that the image texture cannot be affected by the regulation of ultrasound imaging system. This research tries to analyze how effective the ultrasound imaging system is to the image texture while having different settings. We use a distinguishing feature from a probability density function of speckle to bring up a method to calculate Gain and Dynamic range. We also gather some phantom and clinical imaging to examine three medical used machines of ultrasound imaging system. We did, in fact, get a good result from it.
第一章 簡介
1-1 超音波簡介
1-2 研究動機
1-3 論文架構
第二章 超音波成像系統及互相關矩陣
2-1 醫用超音波成像系統
2-2 互相關矩陣
第三章 影像取樣距離對紋路分析的影響
3-1 超音波影像與互相關矩陣d參數之關係
3-2 超音波影像的解析度
3-3 消除解析度影響
第四章 動態範圍與增益對影像的影響與消除
4-1 動態範圍與影像
4-2 改變動態範圍與增益以互相關矩陣來評估
4-3 尋找對應動態範圍斜率及消除其影響的方法
4-4 消除動態範圍與增益影響的實驗
4-4-1 背景影像的實驗
4-4-2 包含物體影像的實驗
第五章 臨床超音波影像之處理實驗
5-1 實驗設備及流程
5-2 實驗數據與結果
第六章 結論與未來展望
6-1 結論
6-2 未來展望
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