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研究生(外文):Cheng-Chung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Structural Design and Testability Analysis of OTA Filter Circuits
指導教授(外文):Wu-Shiung Feng
外文關鍵詞:operational transconductance amplifiervoltage-modecurrent-modemultiple loop feedbackcontrollabilityobservabilitytestabilitybuilt-in self-test
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本論文對於利用運算轉導放大器與接地電容(OTA-C)所製作的電壓模式、電流模式的多重回授迴路濾波電路,提出一套結構化、規則化的分析設計法則。目的在於期盼利用此一結構化的設計方法,實現任意階次的電壓模式或電流模式濾波電路,以使濾波電路的設計朝向系統化邁進。靈敏度的分析亦在本論文中加以探討,依據靈敏度的計算分析結果,研討OTA-C濾波電路在頻域領域上的可測試性(Testability),以介紹類比電路錯誤偵測時,可觀察性(Observability)的觀念,進而針對OTA-C濾波電路提出一些適當的測試頻率範圍與測試點,以增加電路錯誤的可觀察性。對於多階層的OTA-C濾波電路,本論文亦提出一套有效的測試方法,以改進多階層OTA-C濾波電路內部信號的可控制性(Controllability)與可觀察性。另一方面,一套以OTA-C 為基礎的內建自我測試(BIST)架構亦在本論文中提出,此一內建自我測試系統乃是針對類比電路的錯誤偵測而設計的,它不但可以增加測試的節點,亦可同時控制所有測試點的電壓訊號、降低錯誤觀察的時間,並且具有自我測試的能力。測試電路的佈線圖、實驗的測量值、OTA-C濾波電路的模擬結果,都在本論文的最後提出,以驗證理論探討的可行性與正確性。
This thesis addresses the structural generation, analysis and synthesis of multiple loop feedback voltage-mode and current-mode operational transconductance amplifier and grounded capacitor (OTA-C, Gm-C) filters. A number of arbitrary order architectures including canonical realizations are developed. A general method for sensitivity analysis of the structures is also formulated. According to the sensitivity approach, we study the testability of OTA-C filters in the frequency domain by introducing the analog fault observability concept. The proposed methodology indicates the set of adequate test frequencies and test nodes to increase fault observability. A design for testability (DFT) approach to improve the controllability and observability of internal signals in the multi-stage OTA-C filters is also presented. The proposed DFT approach is effective in detecting single and multiple faults. Finally, a novel built-in self-test (BIST) structure based on OTA-Cs for the fault diagnosis of analog circuits is proposed. The proposed analog BIST structure can be used to increase the number of test points, sampling and controlling of all test points with voltage data, and making less time for test signal observable. The physical layouts, simulation results and experimental measurements are also presented to confirm the theoretical analysis.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Structural Design of OTA-C (Gm-C) Filters
2.1 Voltage-Mode Gm-C Filters
2.1.1 Basic Building Blocks
2.1.2 The Gm-C Filter Model
2.1.3 Feedback Coefficient Matrix
2.1.4 Synthesis Matrix
2.1.5 Structural Design Methodology
2.1.6 Second-Order Gm-C Filters
2.1.7 Third-Order Gm-C Filters
2.1.8 Nth-Order Gm-C Filters
2.2 Current-Mode OTA-C Filters
2.2.1 The MO-OTA-C Filter Model
2.2.2 System Equations and Transfer Functions
2.2.3 Feedback Matrix and Filter Structures
2.2.4 First-Order MO-OTA-C Filters
2.2.5 Second-Order MO-OTA-C Filters
2.2.6 Third-Order MO-OTA-C Filters
2.2.7 General Mth-Order MO-OTA-C Filters
Chapter 3 Testability Analysis and Testing Approach Based on OTA-C
3.1 Fault Observability of Gm-C Filters
3.1.1 General Sensitivity Reasoning
3.1.2 Ovservability Analysis
3.2 Testable Design of OTA-C Filters
3.2.1 Fault Modeling
3.2.2 Fundamental Theory
3.2.3 The DFT approach
3.2.4 The Circuit Under Test
3.2.5 Overhead Analysis
3.2.6 Physical Layout
3.3 OTA-C BIST Structure for Analog Circuits
3.3.1 The Self-Test Mode
3.3.2 The Built-in Test Mode
3.3.3 Timing Diagram
Chapter 4 Simulation and Measured Results
4.1 Third-Order Butterworth Gm-C Filter
4.2 Current-Mode MO-OTA-C Filters
4.3 Fault Observability of Gm-C Filter
4.4 Testable Third-Order IFLF Butterworth Gm-C Filter
4.4.1 Stuck-Short Fault
4.4.2 Deviation and Stuck-Open Fault
4.5 Experimental Results of BIST Structure
Chapter 5 Conclusions
Publication List
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