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研究生(外文):Ren-Guey Lee
論文名稱(外文):Home tele-care Services over Hybrid Fiber/Coaxial (HFC) CATV Networks
指導教授(外文):J. H. Chen
外文關鍵詞:Home TeleareCATVHFCTelemedicine
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本論文的研究目的是希望能藉由寬頻網路與網際網路的發展,整合現行居家照護的特性,建構出一個多功能的遠距居家照護系統,提供一般病患、慢性病患、失能者家屬甚至肢障者使用。為了提供熟悉電腦與不熟悉電腦的族群使用,系統設計分為PC版及Non PC版兩種,以減少照護者使用本系統的門檻。
為了達到上述目標,本論文以混合式光纖同軸網路為平台,進行視訊、聲音及生理信號的傳送。對於PC-Based而言,本論文探討以纜線數據機進行視訊、聲音及生理信號的傳送,以瀏覽器為界面進行遠距居家照護服務,並整合網際網路資源,使用者亦可上網學習相關衛教知識。就Non PC-Based系統的設計方法,採傳統有線電視播送方式傳送視訊及聲音,配合本文所設計的生理信號傳收電路(RF Modem),整合成遠距居家照護系統。其中RF Modem的設計是將生理信號調變後插入到電視頻道的第二頻道(雙語頻道),避免再佔用一個電視頻道。同樣地,若照護者擬學習衛教知識可收視當地有線電視台的節目。
In this dissertation we propose a multifunctional home telecare system. Based on the Internet and broadband networks, this system integrates several health care functions and provides remote home health care services to general, chronic, and handicapped patients. The system has two versions, referred to as PC-based and non-PC based home telecare systems, the use of which depends on the user''s computer skills.
The goals of the home telecare system are to solve the problem of too many hospital beds being occupied by patients with chronic illnesses and to provide home service as good as in-hospital care. Cost-efficiency is an important issue in this system, which seeks to reduce the time spent transporting patients. In addition, some video demonstrations are provided by the system''s broadband network, simultaneously teaching nursing personnel relevant health care skills.
This system use a platform based on a hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) CATV network in Taiwan, which was designed to make a home telecare service feasible. The system combines biomedical data with video and audio for communication between patient and health-care provider. In the PC-based version, commercial cable modems could be installed and used for biomedical data, video, and audio transmission. The user interface is a user-friendly browser that can support health education using Internet resources. The non-PC based version uses analog CATV to transmit video and audio signals via a National Television Standard Committee (NTSC) channel. This version provides an RF modem interface, which inserts biomedical signals into the HFC network. The RF modem puts digitized biomedical signals into the second audio program (SAP) sub-channel, which can be used for second-language audio in NTSC television broadcasts.
A human-machine interface was designed to allow quadriplegics to control the computer cursor. This system--an optical head-mouse--uses an optical head-pointer to shoot a laser beam to sensors built into the receiving panel. The computer cursor is controlled on the basis of signals received by the sensors. The click command is executed by blinking the eye. Mouse functions and a character entry simulator are provided for disabled individuals. This interface can be used to provide home telecare services in conjunction with a PC-based version that can be self-operated by the disabled.
The whole system has been implemented and tested. One future task is to assess the feasibility of this system in clinical applications. We hope to provide an efficient method for home telecare services that will ease the inconvenience of routine transportation of chronically ill and handicapped patients.
第一章 居家照護的現況回顧
第一節 現行居家照護的模式
第二節 照護者衛教學習模式
第三節 國內外相關研究
第四節 動機與目標
第五節 論文架構
第二章 通訊網路上醫學應用之探討
第一節 網際網路上醫學應用現況
第二節 寬頻網路技術發展現況
第三節 寬頻網路對醫學應用的衝擊
第四節 有線電視網路的特性
第五節 GATV網路的醫學加值服務
第三章 Non PC0Based遠距居家照護系統
第一節 遠距居家照護的運作模式
第二節 系統規格與目標
第三節 系統設計與製作
第四節 系統技術評估
第五節 結果與分析
第四章 PC0Based遠距居家照護系統
第一節 系統規格與目標
第二節 系統架構
第三節 多媒體隨選互動網頁之設計
第四節 系統測試與技術評估
第五節 結果與分析
第五章 身心障礙者之遠距照護系統
第一節 國內外相關研究
第二節 系統目標與定位
第三節 頭動眼控滑鼠介面設計
第四節 人機界面效能評估
第五節 身心障礙者之學習模式
第六節 結果與分析
第六章 討論與結論
第一節 適合本系統之醫學應用
第二節 系統的定位與限制
第三節 結論與具體貢獻
第四節 未來展望
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